Week 3 closing – Video
In the video below, we summarize the content of Week 3, and look forward to Week 4. Note that this week still contains a test before we are ready for week 4.
ProM 6.14 has been released
In the video below, we summarize the content of Week 3, and look forward to Week 4. Note that this week still contains a test before we are ready for week 4.
In the video below, we explain what lasagne and spaghetti processes are, and what you can(not) do on the different types of processes. Note that towards the end of the video, when discussing the ‘promote’ activity I accidentally say ‘lasagna’ where I meant to say ‘spaghetti’, and when discussing the ‘discovery’ activity I meant to Read More …
In the video below, we refine the process mining framework to detail the different types of process mining activities.
As mentioned in the lecture many process mining case studies are available. Here we list some, if you know of others, please mention them in the comments!
In the video below, we discuss several results from the BPI Challenge (Business Process Intelligence Challenge) 2012 data, as found in some of the submitted reports. By looking at this case study we can start to see the power and value of process mining techniques to businesses and organisations.
Note: this article provides pointers to extra material, beyond this course. Those interested are invited to inspect these resources, but this is not mandatory for the successful completion of this course. The basic use of the Social network miner plug-in is also explained in this video (YouTube, 15 min). The following scientific papers describe in Read More …
Please take a moment to share your ideas on other ways to analyse the social aspects of business processes, using the data stored in event logs. In the previous step we have shown three ways to discover information on the social aspects but many more analysis techniques could be developed in this direction. What questions Read More …