Changes since ProM 6.9.
ProM-Framework 6.10.110
- A bug in the multi-threaded loading of packages has been fixed. This bug caused some packages not be loaded because packages it depended on were not loaded yet.
- To determine which package repository is used, the times required for the first 1000 characters and the next 100,000 characters are used.
- The class path for the ProMClassLoader (to be used for Java 9 and later) is now initialized with the current class path.
- Improved the way paths are converted into URLs.
ProM-Contexts 6.10.62
- Added option for JComponents to return a subcomponent as its main component (instead of the entire component itself).
ProM-Models 6.10.40
- Fixed bug in computation of strongly connected components in directed graphs. This bug caused wrong liveness results for some Petri nets.
ProM-Plugins 6.9.70
- No changes.
CPNet 6.10.135
- Added plug-in that imports a Petri net from a CPNXML file. Together with the exporter (PetriNets package), this allows to use the new CPN-IDE tool as a Petri net editor.
Filterd 6.10.99
- A new package that allows you to create a log-filtering notebook.
LogSkeleton 6.10.148
- Transitive reduction is now done when visualizing the log skeleton instead of when building it. This makes it possible to take the selected activities and constraints into account. As a result, the visualized constraints are more accurate.
- Reduction of NotCoExistence is now (by default) based on Precedence, this improves the reduction.
- Added border transitions (may help in detecting loop iterations).
- Generated filtered logs now also contain the metadata.
- Changed the GUI a bit. Lesser-used options are no hidden behind a button by default.
- NotResponse and NotPrecedence are now shown (by default) using non-filled arrows in the direction of the flow. This makes it easier to understand them.
PetriNets 6.10.158
- Added plug-in that exports a Petri net to a CPNXML file. Together with the importer (CPNet package), this allows to use the new CPN-IDE tool as a Petri net editor.