- Uses http://www.promtools.org/prom6/packages63/packages.xml as default repository.
- Uses .ProM63 as default user folder.
- Improved handling of unresolved dependencies.
- Improved loading of classes.
- OpenXES updated to version 1.9:
- Added cost extension
- Improved handling of classifier keys (allows single quotes for explicit grouping of attribute keys, and uses global attributes to resolve attribute keys otherwise).
- Added log info cache to log objects. The latest log info (for any classifier) of a log is now cached, and re-used if it is required again.
- No changes in UITopia.
- No changes in XESame.
- New features
- Petri nets with data
- Stochastic Petri nets
- Support for configurable Petri nets
- Discovery and replay using divide-and-conquer techniques
- Discovery of services
- A new dotted chart
- A new genetic miner for structured processes
- A new inductive miner for structured processes
- Support for configuring configurable processes
- Caching of latest log info
- CSV export for key-value sets
- Import of BPMN 2.0 models from .bpmn files
- Established vs. runner-up packages
- Improved features
- Improved the data-aware replayer
- Improved event-transition conformance
- Improved use of classifiers for heuristics miner
- Improved PNML import w.r.t. CPN Tools models
- Improved alignments between traces and Petri nets
- Improved import/export of transition systems
- Improved model repair
- General bug fixing
- Established packages (installed by installing package EstablishedPackages) [license between square brackets, L-GPL if not specificed]:
- AlphaMiner
- Animation
- AProMore
- CNet
- CNetReplayer
- ConceptDrift
- COSAImportExport
- Cosimulation
- CPNet
- DataAwareReplayer
- DataPetriNets (new)
- Declare http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html GPL
- DeclareAnalyzer
- DeclareChecker
- DeclareMiner
- DeclareVisualizer (new)
- DivideAndConquer (new)
- DottedChart
- DottedChart2
- EPCConversion
- ETConformance
- Flex
- FlexReplayer
- Fuzzy
- GuideTreeMiner
- HeuristicsMiner
- ILPMiner
- InteractiveVisualization
- KeyValue
- Log
- LogAbstractions
- LogDialog
- LogMerge
- LogMetrics
- LogOverview
- LpSolve
- LTLChecker
- MoBuConLTL
- Murata
- OperationalSupport
- OSService
- PatternAbstractions
- Performance
- Petrify
- PetriNets
- PNAnalysis
- PNetAlignmentAnalysis
- PNetReplayer
- PomPomView
- PPM (formerly known as Cheetah)
- ServiceTech
- SignatureDiscovery
- SimpleLogOperations
- SocialNetwork
- TraceAlignment
- TraceAlignmentWithGuideTree
- TransitionSystems
- TSPetrinet
- Uma
- Widgets
- Woflan
- Runner-up packages (installed by installing package RunnerUpPackages) [license between square brackets, L-GPL if not specificed]:
- BPMNAnalysis
- BPMNMeasures
- Compliance
- ContextDottedChart (new)
- EMF (new) http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html EPL
- EstablishedPackages (new)
- EvolutionaryTreeMiner (new)
- InductiveMiner (new)
- LogTimeFilter (new)
- Passage
- Petra (new)
- PetriNetReplayAnalysis
- PetriNetReplayer
- ProcessLogGenerator
- ProcessTree (new)
- ProductData
- RunnerUpPackages (new)
- ServiceDiscovery (new)
- ShortestPathAlignment (new)
- StochasticPetriNets (new)