- Requires Java 7 or better. Java 6 or earlier will not do.
- Uses http://www.promtools.org/prom6/packages64/packages.xml as default repository.
- Uses .ProM64 as default user folder.
- Improved structure of third-party libraries that were used by many packages. Such libraries are now stored in a single package (with a single license).
- New ApacheUtils package: contains often used libraries with Apache 2.0 license.
- ant-1.9.4
- commons-beanutils-1.8.3
- commons-cli-1.2
- commons-collections-3.2.1
- commons-digester-2.1
- commons-io-2.4
- commons-lang3-3.1
- commons-logging-1.1.2
- log4j-1.2.15
- uncommons-maths-1.2.3
- New BasicUtils package: contains often used libraries with L-GPL license.
- javailp-1.2
- jbpt-0.2.393
- jgrapht-jdk1.6
- trove-3.0.3
- EMF package: contains often used libraries with EPL license.
- org.eclipse.emf.common-2.7.0
- org.eclipse.emf.ecore-2.8.3.v20130125-0546
- org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi-2.5.0.v20100521-1846
- org.eclipse.uml2.common_1.5.0.v201005031530
- org.eclipse.uml2.uml_3.1.2.v201010261927
- New Saxon package: cotains often used libraries with MPL license.
- saxon9he
- CPNet package: contains AccessCPN.
- Revised YAWL package: contains YAWL 2.3.5 editor.
- Old YAWL package has been discontinued.
- Old YAWLReplay package has been renamed to YAWL package.
- New ApacheUtils package: contains often used libraries with Apache 2.0 license.
- Moved OpenXES from framework to Log package. Framework is now unaware of event logs.
- Distributed context has been discontinued (required (de)serialization of event logs).
- OpenXES updated to version 2.0:
- Disabled buffered log implementation (due to possible deadlocks).
- Improved naive log implementation by using String interning.
- Allowed empty logs and empty traces.
- Introduced list and container attributes.
- The new XESLite package contains new alternative XES implementations.
- Minor bug fix in UITopia.
- Minor changes and bug fixes in XESame due to improved structure of third-party libraries.
- Established packages (installed by installing package EstablishedPackages) [license between square brackets, L-GPL if not specificed]:
- AlphaMiner
- Animation
- ApacheUtils http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html Apache 2.0 (new)
- AProMore
- BasicUtils (new)
- BPMNAnalysis
- BPMNConversions (new)
- BPMNMeasures
- CNet
- CNetReplayer
- Compliance
- ConceptDrift
- ContextDottedChart
- COSAImportExport
- Cosimulation
- CPNet
- DataAwareReplayer
- DataPetriNets
- Declare http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html GPL
- DeclareAnalyzer
- DeclareChecker
- DeclareMiner
- DeclareVisualizer
- DivideAndConquer
- DottedChart
- DottedChart2
- EMF http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html EPL
- EPCConversion
- EstablishedPackages
- ETConformance
- EvolutionaryTreeMiner
- FeaturePrediction (new)
- Flex
- FlexReplayer
- Fuzzy
- GuideTreeMiner
- HeuristicsMiner
- ILPMiner
- InductiveMiner
- InteractiveVisualization
- KeyValue
- Log
- LogAbstractions
- LogDialog
- LogMerge
- LogMetrics
- LogOverview
- LogTimeFilter
- LpSolve
- LTLChecker
- MoBuConLTL
- Murata
- OperationalSupport
- OSService
- PatternAbstractions
- Performance
- Petra
- Petrify
- PetriNetReplayAnalysis
- PetriNets
- PNAnalysis
- PNetAlignmentAnalysis
- PNetReplayer
- PomPomView
- ProcessLogGenerator
- ProcessTree
- ProductData
- Properties (new)
- PTMerge (new)
- Saxon http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/1.0 Mozilla Public License v1.0 (new)
- ServiceDiscovery
- ServiceTech
- ShortestPathAlignment
- SignatureDiscovery
- SimpleLogOperations
- SocialNetwork
- StochasticPetriNets
- TraceAlignment
- TraceAlignmentWithGuideTree
- TransitionSystems
- TSPetrinet
- Uma
- Widgets
- Woflan
- XESLite (new)
- YAWL (revised)
- Runner-up packages (installed by installing package RunnerUpPackages) [license between square brackets, L-GPL if not specificed]:
- ComparisonFramework (new)
- GraphViz http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html EPL (new)
- InductiveVisualMiner (new)
- PartialOrderReplayer (new)
- RunnerUpPackages