The table below shows all plug-ins available in ProM 6.8. If you want to use a certain plug-in, make sure that you have the corresponding package installed. For questions on a plug-in, please contact the author(s).
Plug-in name | UITopia | UITopia name | Package name | Author name |
Analyze Colour Petri Nets for Soundness | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | DataPetriNets | Massimiliano de Leoni, |
Compute Soundness of a Data Petri Net | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | DataPetriNets | M. de Leoni |
Compute Soundness of a Data Petri Net | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | DataPetriNets | M. de Leoni |
Convert Data Petri Nets to CPN | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | DataPetriNets | M. de Leoni |
Convert Data Petri Nets to CPN | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | DataPetriNets | M. de Leoni |
Data-Aware Compliance Checking of Data Declare Models Visualization | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | DeclareChecker | Massimiliano de Leoni, Fabrizio Maggi and M.H.M. Schouten |
Repair :)Yourself | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LogFiltering | Mohammadreza |
Show DeclareMap with parameters | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | DeclareMinerFul | M.H.M. Schouten, Claudio Di Ciccio |
Visualize Process Tree | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | DatabaseInductiveMiner | A. Syamsiyah |
XEditor Process Tree | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | ProcessTree | J.C.A.M. Buijs, B.F. van Dongen, D.M.M. Schunselaar, and H.M.W. Verbeek |
XEditor Process Tree Beginner | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | ProcessTree | J.C.A.M. Buijs, B.F. van Dongen, D.M.M. Schunselaar, and H.M.W. Verbeek |
(debug) call miner and replayer headless | Plug-in | call miner and replayer headless | BPMNAnalysis | D. Fahland |
(debug) call miner and replayer headless | Plug-in variant | call miner and replayer headless | BPMNAnalysis | D. Fahland |
.dat export for R (Log-likelihoods) | Export | .dat export for R (Log-likelihoods) | StochasticPetriNets | Andreas Rogge-Solti |
.json export of anomalies | Export | .json export of anomalies | StochasticPetriNets | Andreas Rogge-Solti |
0 Project Precision Measurement on Net | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | DataAwareReplayer | Massimiliano de Leoni, Felix Mannhardt |
00 Projection on the Petri net | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | PlanningBasedAlignment | Giacomo Lanciano |
000 Visualize DCNet | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | DataAwareReplayer | Massimiliano de Leoni, Felix Mannhardt |
001 Data-aware View Projection to Log | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | DeclareChecker | Massimiliano de Leoni, Fabrizio Maggi and M.H.M. Schouten |
00Compliance WABO3 post processor to Excel | Plug-in | 00Compliance WABO3 post processor to Excel | Compliance | J.C.A.M.Buijs |
00Compliance WABO3 post processor to Excel | Plug-in variant | 00Compliance WABO3 post processor to Excel | Compliance | J.C.A.M.Buijs |
01 Planning-based Alignment | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | PlanningBasedAlignment | Giacomo Lanciano |
1 Projection on the net | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | DataAwareReplayer | Massimiliano de Leoni, Felix Mannhardt |
1 Show Observed/Possible per Trace | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | DataAwareReplayer | Massimiliano de Leoni, Felix Mannhardt |
2 Model-Log Alignment in Presence of Data | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | HistoryAwareConformanceChecking | Mahdi Alizadeh |
2 Model-Log Alignment in Presence of Data | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | DataAwareReplayer | Massimiliano de Leoni, Felix Mannhardt |
2015_stream_generic_framework_swf_performance_measurement | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | StreamAnalysis | S.J. van Zelst |
3 Alignments Grouped by Variant | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | DataAwareReplayer | Massimiliano de Leoni, Felix Mannhardt |
3 Explore Model-Log Alignments in Presence of Data | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | HistoryAwareConformanceChecking | Mahdi Alizadeh |
4 Classify instances using Decision Trees | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | DataAwareReplayer | Massimiliano de Leoni, Felix Mannhardt |
432 Synthesize and compare net | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | InteractiveProcessMining | P.M. Dixit |
9 Statistics about the computation | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | DataAwareReplayer | Massimiliano de Leoni, Felix Mannhardt |
@0 _Visualize Grouped Local Process Model Ranking (Ranking-Based) | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | LocalProcessModelDiscovery | Niek Tax |
@0 Log Summary | Visualizer | Log Visualizer using provided log info | LogDialog | H.M.W. Verbeek, M. de Leoni, S.J. van Zelst |
@0 Mine Local Process Models | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | LocalProcessModelDiscovery | Niek Tax |
@0 Mine Local Process Models | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LocalProcessModelDiscovery | N. Tax |
@0 Show animation | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | Animation | H.M.W. Verbeek |
@0 Show CSM Miner Results | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | CSMMiner | M.L. van Eck |
@0 Show Mined State Model | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | CSMMiner | M.L. van Eck |
@0 Show Mined Transition System | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | TransitionSystems | H.M.W. Verbeek |
@0 Transition system annotation visualization | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | TransitionSystems | H.M.W. Verbeek |
@0 Visualize Accepting Petri Net | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | AcceptingPetriNet | H.M.W. Verbeek |
@0 Visualize Accepting Petri Net Array | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | AcceptingPetriNet | H.M.W. Verbeek |
@0 Visualize Activity Cluster Array | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | ActivityClusterArray | H.M.W. Verbeek |
@0 Visualize Causal Activity Graph | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | CausalActivityGraph | H.M.W. Verbeek |
@0 Visualize Causal Activity Matrix using Colored Table | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | CausalActivityMatrix | H.M.W. Verbeek |
@0 Visualize EPC | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | QualityMetrics | Daniel Braunnagel, Christoph Rathgeber, Lukas Kovacovic, and Reinhold Tausch |
@0 Visualize Grouped Local Process Model Ranking (Maximally) | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | LocalProcessModelDiscovery | Niek Tax |
@0 Visualize Interactive Petri Net Object | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | InteractiveProcessMining | Alok Dixit |
@0 Visualize Local Process Model | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | LocalProcessModelDiscovery | Niek Tax |
@0 Visualize Local Process Model (Dot) | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | LocalProcessModelDiscovery | Niek Tax |
@0 Visualize Local Process Model Ranking | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | LocalProcessModelDiscovery | Niek Tax |
@0 Visualize Local Process Model Ranking (Dot) | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | LocalProcessModelDiscovery | Niek Tax |
@0 Visualize Mixed Paradigm model | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | MixedParadigm | B.F. van Dongen |
@0 Visualize Petri net | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | PetriNets | H.M.W. Verbeek, S.J. van Zelst |
@0 Visualize PomPom View | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | PomPomView | H.M.W. Verbeek |
@0 Visualize Process Tree Array | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | LocalProcessModelDiscovery | Niek Tax |
@0 Visualize Replay Result Array using Nets | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | LogAlignment | H.M.W. Verbeek |
@0 Visualize YAWL net | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | FlexReplayer | Arya Adriansyah |
@1 Log Summary | Visualizer | Log Visualizer using provided log info | LogDialog | H.M.W. Verbeek, M. de Leoni, S.J. van Zelst |
@1 Log Summary | Visualizer | Log Visualizer | LogDialog | H.M.W. Verbeek, M. de Leoni, S.J. van Zelst |
@1 New Petri net visualizer | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | InteractiveProcessMining | Alok Dixit |
@1 Show Fuzzy Model | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | Fuzzy | H.M.W. Verbeek, C.W. Gunther, and J.F. Li |
@1 Show Transition System | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | TransitionSystems | H.M.W. Verbeek |
@1 Visualize Causal Activity Matrix using Grid | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | CausalActivityMatrix | H.M.W. Verbeek |
@1 Visualize Replay Result Array using Logs | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | LogAlignment | H.M.W. Verbeek |
@2 Log Summary | Visualizer | Log Visualizer | LogDialog | H.M.W. Verbeek, M. de Leoni, S.J. van Zelst |
@2 Show (Default) Fuzzy Instance | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | Fuzzy | H.M.W. Verbeek, C.W. Gunther, and J.F. Li |
@2 Visualize Causal Activity Matrix using Table | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | CausalActivityMatrix | H.M.W. Verbeek |
@3 Show Fuzzy Unary Metrics | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | Fuzzy | H.M.W. Verbeek, C.W. Gunther, and J.F. Li |
@4 Show Fuzzy Binary Metrics | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | Fuzzy | H.M.W. Verbeek, C.W. Gunther, and J.F. Li |
@9 Mine Local Process Models | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | LocalProcessModelDiscovery | Niek Tax |
@9 Mine Local Process Models | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LocalProcessModelDiscovery | N. Tax |
_Book MP model | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | MixedParadigm | B.F. van Dongen |
_Book MP model | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | MixedParadigm | B.F. van Dongen |
_Debug PetrinetWithAutomata All Constraints | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | MixedParadigm | B.F. van Dongen |
_Debug PetrinetWithAutomata All Constraints | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | MixedParadigm | B.F. van Dongen |
_Debug PetrinetWithAutomata Choice Constraint | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | MixedParadigm | B.F. van Dongen |
_Debug PetrinetWithAutomata Choice Constraint | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | MixedParadigm | B.F. van Dongen |
_Debug PetrinetWithAutomata Cover Example | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | MixedParadigm | B.F. van Dongen |
_Debug PetrinetWithAutomata Cover Example | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | MixedParadigm | B.F. van Dongen |
_Debug PetrinetWithAutomata Init Example | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | MixedParadigm | B.F. van Dongen |
_Debug PetrinetWithAutomata Init Example | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | MixedParadigm | B.F. van Dongen |
_Debug PetrinetWithAutomata Mail Example | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | MixedParadigm | Johannes De Smedt |
_Debug PetrinetWithAutomata Mail Example | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | MixedParadigm | Johannes De Smedt |
_Debug PetrinetWithAutomata PhD Example | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | MixedParadigm | Johannes De Smedt |
_Debug PetrinetWithAutomata PhD Example | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | MixedParadigm | Johannes De Smedt |
_Debug PetrinetWithAutomata Test Example | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | MixedParadigm | Johannes De Smedt |
_Debug PetrinetWithAutomata Test Example | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | MixedParadigm | Johannes De Smedt |
_Debug PetrinetWithAutomata Test2 Example | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | MixedParadigm | Johannes De Smedt |
_Debug PetrinetWithAutomata Test2 Example | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | MixedParadigm | Johannes De Smedt |
_Make Debug PetrinetWithAutomata 1 | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | MixedParadigm | B.F. van Dongen |
_Make Debug PetrinetWithAutomata 1 | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | MixedParadigm | B.F. van Dongen |
_Make Debug PetrinetWithAutomata Double Response | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | MixedParadigm | B.F. van Dongen |
_Make Debug PetrinetWithAutomata Double Response | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | MixedParadigm | B.F. van Dongen |
AAAAA Genetic Miner using partial knowledge – measurement version | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | GeneticMinerUsingPartialKnowledge | Beata Legowska |
AAAAA Genetic Miner using partial knowledge – measurement version | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | GeneticMinerUsingPartialKnowledge | Beata Legowska |
Abstract Log for Compliance Checking | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | Compliance | D. Fahland |
ACA export (Activity Cluster Array) | Export | ACA export (Activity Cluster Array) | ActivityClusterArray | H.M.W. Verbeek |
ActiTraC | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | ActiTrac | Jochen De Weerdt |
ActiTraC | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | ActiTrac | Jochen De Weerdt |
ActiTraCClusteringVisualiser | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | ActiTrac | Jochen De Weerdt |
Activity Filter: Add Chaotic Activity to Log (Frequency Independent) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | ActivityFiltering | N. Tax |
Activity Filter: Add Chaotic Activity to Log (Frequent) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | ActivityFiltering | N. Tax |
Activity Filter: Add Chaotic Activity to Log (Infrequent) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | ActivityFiltering | N. Tax |
Activity Filter: Direct Entropy | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | ActivityFiltering | N. Tax |
Activity Filter: Direct Entropy with Laplace Smoothing (a=1/|A|) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | ActivityFiltering | N. Tax |
Activity Filter: Filter Frequent Activities | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | ActivityFiltering | N. Tax |
Activity Filter: Filter Infrequent Activities | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | ActivityFiltering | N. Tax |
Activity Filter: Filter Random Activities | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | ActivityFiltering | N. Tax |
Activity Filter: Indirect Entropy optimized with Exhaustive Search | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | ActivityFiltering | N. Tax |
Activity Filter: Indirect Entropy optimized with Greedy Search | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | ActivityFiltering | N. Tax |
Activity Filter: Indirect Entropy optimized with Laplace Smoothing (a=1/|A|) optimized with Beam search (k=3) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | ActivityFiltering | N. Tax |
Activity Filter: Indirect Entropy optimized with Laplace Smoothing (a=1/|A|) optimized with Greedy search | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | ActivityFiltering | N. Tax |
Activity Filter: Indirect Entropy with Laplace (a=1) optimized with Greedy search | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | ActivityFiltering | N. Tax |
Add Artificial End Event Filter | Log | H.M.W. Verbeek, F. Mannhardt, S.J. van Zelst | ||
Add Artificial End Transition | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | PetriNetReplayAnalysis | R.Guanciale,G.Spagnolo et al. |
Add Artificial End Transition Variant | BPMNMeasures | R. Guanciale {guancio@…}, G. Spagnolo {spagnolo@…} et al. | ||
Add Artificial End Transition Variant | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | BPMNMeasures | R.Guanciale,G.Spagnolo et al. |
Add Artificial End Transition Variant | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | BPMNMeasures | R.Guanciale,G.Spagnolo et al. |
Add Artificial Events | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | SimpleLogOperations | Jan Claes |
Add Artificial Events | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | SimpleLogOperations | Jan Claes |
Add Artificial Start Event Filter | Log | H.M.W. Verbeek, F. Mannhardt, S.J. van Zelst | ||
Add Attribute to Event Class | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Add Attribute to Event Class | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Add cancellation regions to BPMN diagram | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | BPMNConversions | A. Kalenkova |
Add Classifier based on Mapping of Activity Names | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | Eduardo Gonzalez Lopez de Murillas |
Add Classifier based on Mapping of Activity Names | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | Eduardo Gonzalez Lopez de Murillas |
Add Classifier based on Mapping of Activity Names (in place) | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | Eduardo Gonzalez Lopez de Murillas |
Add Classifier based on Mapping of Activity Names (in place) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | Eduardo Gonzalez Lopez de Murillas |
Add Classifier based on Mapping of Activity Names (parameters) | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | Eduardo Gonzalez Lopez de Murillas |
Add Classifier based on Mapping of Activity Names (parameters) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | Eduardo Gonzalez Lopez de Murillas |
Add Elapsed Time in Trace as Attribute to all Events | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Add Elapsed Time in Trace as Attribute to all Events | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Add Elapsed Time since Attribute until Event | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Add Elapsed Time since Attribute until Event | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Add Elapsed Times between Two Event Classes as Attribute | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Add Elapsed Times between Two Event Classes as Attribute | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Add End Artificial Events | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | PetriNetReplayAnalysis | R.Guanciale,G.Spagnolo et al. |
Add End Artificial Events | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | PetriNetReplayAnalysis | R.Guanciale,G.Spagnolo et al. |
Add Fragment in Process Tree | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | ChangePatterns | Alfredo Bolt |
Add identity attribute | Plug-in variant | Add identities to log | Log | J.M.E.M. van der Werf |
Add life-cycle information to events (In place) | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Add life-cycle information to events (In place) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Add Missing Events | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | Log | J. Nakatumba |
Add Next Activity as Attribute to all Events | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | Alfredo Bolt |
Add Next Activity as Attribute to all Events | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | Alfredo Bolt |
Add Noise to Log Filter | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | StochasticPetriNets | R.S. Mans |
Add Noise to Log Filter | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | StochasticPetriNets | R.S. Mans |
Add Noise to Logg | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | PTAndLogGenerator | Alfredo Bolt |
Add Path Attribute to an Event Log | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | BusinessProcessHierarchy | K. Pennekamp |
Add Remaining Time in Trace as Attribute to all Events | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | Alfredo Bolt |
Add Remaining Time in Trace as Attribute to all Events | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | Alfredo Bolt |
Add Throughput Time as Trace Attribute (In place) | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Add Throughput Time as Trace Attribute (In place) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Add Time between events (Duration) as Attribute to all Events | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | Alfredo Bolt |
Add Time between events (Duration) as Attribute to all Events | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | Alfredo Bolt |
Add, Swap and Remove Events | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | DataAwareReplayer | M. de Leoni |
Add/Change concept:name of event from classifier | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | Eduardo González López de Murillas |
Align ETConformance | ETConformance | J. Munoz-Gama | ||
Align Log And Model for Repair (find loops) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | ModelRepair | D. Fahland |
Align Log And Model for Repair (global costs) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | ModelRepair | D. Fahland |
Align Log to Model | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | Uma | D. Fahland |
Aligned log visualisation | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | InductiveVisualMiner | S.J.J. Leemans |
Aligned log visualisation | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | InductiveVisualMiner | SJJ Leemans |
Aligned log visualisation | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | InductiveVisualMiner | S.J.J. Leemans |
AlignETCResult Visualizer | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | ETConformance | J. Munoz-Gama |
Alignment Tree Visualization | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | TraceAlignmentWithGuideTree | J.C. Bose |
Alpha Miner | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | AlphaMiner | S.J. van Zelst, B.F. van Dongen, L.M.A. Tonnaer |
Alpha Plus Wrapper | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | BPMNMiner | Raffaele Conforti |
Analysis Result Visualizer | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | DeclareAnalyzer | A. Burattin, F.M. Maggi |
Analysis Result Visualizer | Visualizer | Analysis Result Visualizer | DeclareAnalyzer | F.M. Maggi and A. Burratin |
Analysis Result Visualizer | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | DeclareAnalyzer | A. Burattin, F.M. Maggi |
Analyze Behavioral Property of Petri net | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | PNAnalysis | A. Adriansyah, D. Fahland |
Analyze Boundedness | PNAnalysis | A. Adriansyah | ||
Analyze Free Choice property and Extended Free Choice | PNAnalysis | A. Adriansyah | ||
Analyze Home Marking | PNAnalysis | A. Adriansyah | ||
Analyze Liveness | PNAnalysis | A. Adriansyah | ||
Analyze Liveness with Sequences | PNAnalysis | A. Adriansyah | ||
Analyze Model Using Uma | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | Uma | D. Fahland |
Analyze Relaxed Soundness (using LoLA for windows) | PNAnalysis | A. Adriansyah | ||
Analyze Structural Property of Petri net | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | PNAnalysis | A. Adriansyah, D. Fahland |
Analyze Transition System | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | TransitionSystems | M. Pesic |
Analyze with Woflan | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | Woflan | H.M.W. Verbeek |
And event classifier | Log | H.M.W. Verbeek, F. Mannhardt, S.J. van Zelst | ||
Animate Event Log in Fuzzy Instance | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | Fuzzy | H. Verbeek |
Animate Transition System | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | TransitionSystems | H. Verbeek |
Annotate Transition System | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | TransitionSystems | A.Bolt |
Annotated Chord export | Export | Annotated Chord export | ChordDiagram | A. Jalali |
Anonymize Event Log | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Anonymize Event Log | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Anonymize: Obfuscate event attribute names | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Anonymize: Obfuscate event attribute names | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Anonymize: Obfuscate literal event attribute values | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Anonymize: Obfuscate literal event attribute values | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Anonymize: Obfuscate literal trace attribute values | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Anonymize: Obfuscate literal trace attribute values | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Anonymize: Obfuscate numeric attribute into bins | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Anonymize: Obfuscate numeric attribute into bins | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Anonymize: Obfuscate trace attribute names | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Anonymize: Obfuscate trace attribute names | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Anonymize: Randomly shift time of traces/events | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Anonymize: Randomly shift time of traces/events | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Anonymize: Randomly shift time of traces/events (in-place) | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Anonymize: Randomly shift time of traces/events (in-place) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Anti-Alignment Precision/Generalization | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | AntiAlignments | Boudewijn van Dongen |
APNA export (Accepting Petri Net Array) | Export | APNA export (Accepting Petri Net Array) | AcceptingPetriNet | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Apply alpha miner on log collection | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | PTAndLogGenerator | Toon Jouck |
Apply Block Layout to Accepting Petri Net, Default Parameters | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | BlockLayout | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Apply Block Layout to Accepting Petri Net, Default Parameters | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | BlockLayout | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Apply Block Layout to Accepting Petri Net, User Selects Parameters | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | BlockLayout | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Apply Block Layout to Accepting Petri Net, User Selects Parameters | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | BlockLayout | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Apply Block Layout to BPMN Diagram, Default Parameters | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | BlockLayout | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Apply Block Layout to BPMN Diagram, Default Parameters | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | BlockLayout | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Apply Block Layout to BPMN Diagram, User Selects Parameters | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | BlockLayout | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Apply Block Layout to BPMN Diagram, User Selects Parameters | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | BlockLayout | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Apply Block Layout to Petri Net, Default Parameters | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | BlockLayout | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Apply Block Layout to Petri Net, Default Parameters | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | BlockLayout | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Apply Block Layout to Petri Net, User Selects Parameters | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | BlockLayout | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Apply Block Layout to Petri Net, User Selects Parameters | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | BlockLayout | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Apply Block Layout to Transition System, Default Parameters | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | BlockLayout | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Apply Block Layout to Transition System, Default Parameters | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | BlockLayout | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Apply Block Layout to Transition System, User Selects Parameters | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | BlockLayout | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Apply Block Layout to Transition System, User Selects Parameters | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | BlockLayout | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Apply Context | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | Petra | D.M.M. Schunselaar |
Apply Context | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | Petra | D.M.M. Schunselaar |
Apply Day Case Notion | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LocalProcessModelDiscovery | Niek Tax |
Apromore Importer/Exporter | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | AProMore | Pasquale Napoli |
Artificial Immune System Merger | Plug-in | Merge two Event Logs using AIS algorithm | LogMerge | Jan Claes |
Artificial Immune System Merger | Plug-in variant | Merge two Event Logs using AIS algorithm | LogMerge | Jan Claes |
Assign activity instance identities | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | ContextAwarePerformance | B.F.A. Hompes |
Automatic Map Generator | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LogOnMapReplay | N.gupta |
Automaton Visualizer | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | ETConformance | J. Munoz-Gama |
Basic event classifier | Log | H.M.W. Verbeek, F. Mannhardt, S.J. van Zelst | ||
BIG4ProM | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | Big4Prom | Laura Genga, Marco Cameranesi |
Block Layout Accepting Petri net | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | AcceptingPetriNetReductionLayouter | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Block Layout Petri net | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | AcceptingPetriNetReductionLayouter | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Boxplots | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | ContextAwarePerformance | B.F.A. Hompes |
BPH and IVM Split-screen Visualization | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | BusinessProcessHierarchy | K. Pennekamp |
BPH and IVM Split-screen Visualization | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | BusinessProcessHierarchy | K. Pennekamp |
BPH and IvM Splitmode | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | BusinessProcessHierarchy | K. Pennekamp |
BPH and IvM Splitmode | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | BusinessProcessHierarchy | K. Pennekamp |
BPH and IvM Splitmode | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | BusinessProcessHierarchy | K. Pennekamp |
BPMN Analysis | Plug-in variant | BPMN Analysis | BPMNAnalysis | I. Bayraktar |
BPMN Analysis (using Causal Net Miner) | Plug-in variant | BPMN Analysis (using Causal Net Miner) | BPMNAnalysis | I. Bayraktar |
BPMN Analysis (using Heuristics Miner) | Plug-in variant | BPMN Analysis (using Heuristics Miner) | BPMNAnalysis | I. Bayraktar |
BPMN Analysis Visualization | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | BPMNAnalysis | Anna Kalenkova |
BPMN Analysis XPDL 2.0 export | Export | BPMN Analysis XPDL 2.0 export | BPMNAnalysis | Anna Kalenkova |
BPMN Measures with Analisys Details | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | BPMNMeasures | R.Guanciale,G.Spagnolo et al. |
BPMN Miner | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | BPMNMiner | R. Conforti, M. Dumas, L. Garcia-Banuelos, M. La Rosa |
BPMN Model Analysis | Plug-in variant | BPMN Model Analysis | BPMNAnalysis | A. Kalenkova |
BPMN Petri Net using Block Layout | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | InteractiveProcessMining | Alok Dixit |
BPMN Prompt Visualizer | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | BPMNVisualizer | PROMPT workgroup |
BPMN Prompt Visualizer | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | BPMNVisualizer | A. Kalenkova |
BPMN Prompt Visualizer | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | BPMNVisualizer | PROMPT workgroup |
BPMN to PetriNet | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | BPMNMeasures | R.Guanciale,G.Spagnolo et al. |
BPMN to PetriNet | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | BPMNMeasures | R.Guanciale,G.Spagnolo et al. |
BPMN XML 2.0 export | Export | BPMN XML 2.0 export | BPMN | H.M.W. Verbeek, F. Mannhardt, S.J. van Zelst |
BPMN XML 2.0 export | Export | BPMN XML 2.0 export | BPMNVisualizer | A. Kalenkova |
BPMNMAnalisysDetailsintoMetricsConformance | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | BPMNMeasures | R.Guanciale,G.Spagnolo et al. |
BPMNMAnalisysDetailsintoMetricsConformance | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | BPMNMeasures | R.Guanciale,G.Spagnolo et al. |
BPMNMAnalisysDetailsintoMetricsPerformance | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | BPMNMeasures | R.Guanciale,G.Spagnolo et al. |
BPMNMAnalisysDetailsintoMetricsPerformance | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | BPMNMeasures | R.Guanciale,G.Spagnolo et al. |
BPSim export | Export | BPSim export | BPSim | D.M.M. Schunselaar |
BPSim export | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | BPSim | T.C. van der Hoek |
Bring Lifecycle to Event Name | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LocalProcessModelDiscovery | N. Tax |
Build Log Skeleton from Event Log | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LogSkeleton | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Build Numbered DAFA based on Log (Numbered States) | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | XESLite | F. Mannhardt |
Build Numbered DAFA based on Log (Numbered States) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | XESLite | F. Mannhardt |
Build Numbered DAFA based on XLog (Numbered Transitions) | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | XESLite | F. Mannhardt |
Build Numbered DAFA based on XLog (Numbered Transitions) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | XESLite | F. Mannhardt |
Business Process Flow Characterization | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | StagedProcessFlows | Hoang Huy Nguyen |
CAG export (Causal Activity Graph) | Export | CAG export (Causal Activity Graph) | CausalActivityGraph | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Calculate accepting Language of 1-bounded Accepting Petri Net as Log | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LocalProcessModelDiscovery | N. Tax |
Calculate accepting Language of 1-bounded Accepting Petri Net as String | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LocalProcessModelDiscovery | N. Tax |
Calculate BPMN Metrics | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | BPMNMiner | Raffaele Conforti |
Calculate Graph Edit Distance Similarity | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | PetriNets | S.J. van Zelst |
Calculate Log Episodes of Local Process Model | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LocalProcessModelDiscovery | N. Tax |
Calculate number of unique traces of a process tree | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | PTAndLogGenerator | Toon Jouck |
Calculate PPM Statistics | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | PPM | Jan Claes |
Calculate PPM Statistics | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | PPM | Jan Claes |
Calculate prefix-closed Language of 1-bounded Accepting Petri Net as Log | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LocalProcessModelDiscovery | N. Tax |
Calculate prefix-closed Language of 1-bounded Accepting Petri Net as String | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LocalProcessModelDiscovery | N. Tax |
CAM export (Causal Activity Matrix) | Export | CAM export (Causal Activity Matrix) | CausalActivityMatrix | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Cancellation test (Statechart derivative) | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | Statechart | M. Leemans |
Cascade Attributes to Events in a Trace | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | Alfredo Bolt |
Cascade Attributes to Events in a Trace | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | Alfredo Bolt |
Change attribute name (In place) | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Change attribute name (In place) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Change attribute type (In place) | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Change attribute type (In place) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Change concept:name based on another attribute | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Change concept:name based on another attribute | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Change Event Log Classifier to Event Name Classifier | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | TraceClustering | B.F.A. Hompes |
Change order of events with same time:timestamp | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Change order of events with same time:timestamp | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Change order of events with same time:timestamp (In place) | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Change order of events with same time:timestamp (In place) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Change time:timestamp based on attribute | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Change time:timestamp based on attribute | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Check Compliance of a Log | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | Compliance | Dirk Fahland |
Check Compliance Using Conformance Checking | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | Compliance | Dirk Fahland |
Check Compliance Using Conformance Checking (All Best Matching) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | Compliance | Dirk Fahland |
Check Conformance of LPM Collection | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LocalProcessModelConformance | N. Tax |
Check Decomposed Precision using Escaping Edges | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | Precision | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Check Event-based Precision | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | Precision | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Check Log | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | Log | Eric Verbeek |
Check Precision using Escaping Edges | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | Precision | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Check Soundness of Flexible model | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | FlexReplayer | Arya Adriansyah |
Check Temporal Compliance Using Data-Aware Conformance | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | Compliance | Dirk Fahland |
Check Temporal Compliance Using Data-Aware Conformance (Match Instances) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | Compliance | Dirk Fahland |
Check Temporal Conformance of Log to Data-Aware Petri net | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | Compliance | M. de Leoni, D. Fahland |
Check Temporal Conformance of Log to Data-Aware Petri net | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | Compliance | M. de Leoni, D. Fahland |
Classify Test Log using Log Skeleton | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LogSkeleton | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Classify with DrFurby Classifier | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | DivideAndConquer | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Clean BPMN Model | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | BPMNMiner | Raffaele Conforti |
CloGSgrow patterns to LPM Collection using least-episode-difference-first merging | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LocalProcessModelConformance | N. Tax |
CloGSgrow patterns to LPM Collection using Relative least-episode-difference-first merging | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LocalProcessModelConformance | N. Tax |
Cluster traces over time using Markov clustering | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | TraceClustering | B.F.A. Hompes |
Compare Causal Nets (GED) | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | DataAwareCNetMiner | F. Mannhardt |
Compare Causal Nets (GED) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | DataAwareCNetMiner | F. Mannhardt |
Compare Event Logs (Levenshtein Distance) | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Compare Event Logs (Levenshtein Distance) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Compare Local Process Model Results | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LocalProcessModelDiscovery | N. Tax |
Compare Replay Results | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | HistoryAwareConformanceChecking | Mahdi Alizadeh |
Compare Two Alignments | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | DataAwareReplayer | F. Mannhardt |
Compare Two Alignments | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | DataAwareReplayer | F. Mannhardt |
Compare two Data Conformance replay results | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | HistoryAwareConformanceChecking | F. Mannhardt |
Compare two Data Conformance replay results | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | HistoryAwareConformanceChecking | F. Mannhardt |
Compare Two Static Streams | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | Stream | S.J. van Zelst |
Compare Utility Local Process Model Results | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LocalProcessModelDiscovery | N. Tax |
Composite State Machine Miner | Plug-in variant | CSM Miner | CSMMiner | Maikel L. van Eck |
Compute a model measure | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | StochasticPetriNets | A. Rogge-Solti |
Compute a model measure | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | StochasticPetriNets | A. Rogge-Solti |
Compute Alignments using Bloom Filters | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | OnlineConformance | S.J. van Zelst |
Compute Anomaly Intervals for Net | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | StochasticPetriNets | A. Rogge-Solti |
Compute Anomaly Intervals for Net | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | StochasticPetriNets | A. Rogge-Solti |
Compute Data Petri Net Synchronous Product | Plug-in variant | Compute Data Petri Net Synchronous Product | DataPetriNets | Maikel L. van Eck |
Compute efficient tree alignment | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | InductiveVisualMiner | S.J.J. Leemans |
Compute efficient tree alignment | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | InductiveVisualMiner | S.J.J. Leemans |
Compute Likelihoods | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | StochasticPetriNets | A. Rogge-Solti |
Compute Likelihoods | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | StochasticPetriNets | A. Rogge-Solti |
Compute Prefix Alignments Incrementally | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | OnlineConformance | S.J. van Zelst |
Compute projected fitness and precision (log and accepting Petri net) | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | ProjectedRecallAndPrecision | S.J.J. Leemans |
Compute projected fitness and precision (log and accepting Petri net) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | ProjectedRecallAndPrecision | S.J.J. Leemans |
Compute projected fitness and precision (log and efficient tree) | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | ProjectedRecallAndPrecision | S.J.J. Leemans |
Compute projected fitness and precision (log and efficient tree) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | ProjectedRecallAndPrecision | S.J.J. Leemans |
Compute projected fitness and precision (log and process tree) | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | ProjectedRecallAndPrecision | S.J.J. Leemans |
Compute projected fitness and precision (log and process tree) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | ProjectedRecallAndPrecision | S.J.J. Leemans |
Compute projected fitness and scaled precision (log and accepting Petri net) | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | ProjectedRecallAndPrecision | S.J.J. Leemans |
Compute projected fitness and scaled precision (log and accepting Petri net) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | ProjectedRecallAndPrecision | S.J.J. Leemans |
Compute projected fitness and scaled precision (log and process tree) | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | ProjectedRecallAndPrecision | S.J.J. Leemans |
Compute projected fitness and scaled precision (log and process tree) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | ProjectedRecallAndPrecision | S.J.J. Leemans |
Compute projected recall and precision (accepting Petri net and accepting Petri net) | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | ProjectedRecallAndPrecision | S.J.J. Leemans |
Compute projected recall and precision (accepting Petri net and accepting Petri net) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | ProjectedRecallAndPrecision | S.J.J. Leemans |
Compute projected recall and precision (process tree and process tree) | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | ProjectedRecallAndPrecision | S.J.J. Leemans |
Compute projected recall and precision (process tree and process tree) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | ProjectedRecallAndPrecision | S.J.J. Leemans |
Compute PTraces | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | PartialOrderReplayer | Xixi Lu |
Compute risk by Simulation | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | StochasticPetriNets | A. Rogge-Solti |
Compute risk by Simulation | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | StochasticPetriNets | A. Rogge-Solti |
Concatenate/Union of event logs | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Concatenate/Union of event logs | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Concatenate/Union of event logs (without copy) | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Concatenate/Union of event logs (without copy) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Concept Drift | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | ConceptDrift | R.P. Jagadeesh Chandra ‘JC’ Bose |
Concept Drift Visualization | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | ConceptDrift | J.C. Bose |
Configurable Processes Experiments | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | ConfigurableProcesses | Mauricio Arriagada-Benitez |
Configure Compliance Rule (experimental) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | Compliance | Dirk Fahland, Elham Ramezani |
Configure Petri net completely | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | PetriNets | Dirk Fahland |
Configure Petri net partially | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | PetriNets | Dirk Fahland |
Configure Visibility of Transitions | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | PNetReplayer | Arya Adriansyah |
Configured Process Tree Visualizer | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | ConfigurableProcesses | Mauricio Arriagada |
Conformance Checking of Data-aware Casual Net (using ILP) | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | DataAwareReplayer | M. de Leoni |
Conformance Checking of Data-aware Casual Net (using ILP) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | DataAwareReplayer | M. de Leoni |
Conformance Checking of DPN | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | DataAwareReplayer | F. Mannhardt, M. de Leoni |
Conformance Checking of DPN (Live View) | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | DataAwareReplayer | Massimiliano de Leoni, Felix Mannhardt |
Conformance Checking of DPN (Live) | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | DataAwareReplayer | F. Mannhardt |
Conformance Checking of DPN (Live) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | DataAwareReplayer | F. Mannhardt |
Conformance Checking of DPN (XLog) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | DataAwareReplayer | F. Mannhardt |
Conformance Checking of Petri Net With Data | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | DataAwareReplayer | M. de Leoni |
Conformance Checking of Petri Net With Data | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | DataAwareReplayer | M. de Leoni |
Conformance Result Visualizer | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | PetriNetReplayAnalysis | Giorgio Spagnolo (spagnolo@…), Roberto Guanciale (guancio@…), et all. |
Conformance Result Visualizer | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | PetriNetReplayAnalysis | R.Guanciale,G.Spagnolo et al. |
connect log events to Petri nets with omega transitions | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | Compliance | D. Fahland |
Connect to Hadoop Cluster | Plug-in variant | Connect to Hadoop Cluster | HybridModel | Sergio Hernandez de Mesa, Sebastiaan J. van Zelst |
Construct a BPMN model with subprocesses from flat BPMN model with annotated activities | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LocalizedLogs | A. Kalenkova |
Construct a BPMN model with subprocesses from Petri net and localized log | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LocalizedLogs | A. Kalenkova |
Construct Basis of Semi-Positive Place Invariants | PNAnalysis | A. Adriansyah | ||
Construct Basis of Semi-Positive Transition Invariants | PNAnalysis | A. Adriansyah | ||
Construct Codec of Flexible model | FlexReplayer | Arya Adriansyah | ||
Construct Coverability Graph of a Petri Net | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | PNAnalysis | A. Adriansyah |
Construct Flexible model from another Flexible model for Replay | FlexReplayer | Arya Adriansyah | ||
Construct Flexible model from Another Flexible model with Cancellation Region for Replay | FlexReplayer | Arya Adriansyah | ||
Construct Log from Alignment | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | PNetAlignmentAnalysis | Arya Adriansyah |
Construct Log Relations | LogAbstractions | H.M.W. Verbeek, B.F. van Dongen, S.J. van Zelst, L.M.A. Tonnaer | ||
Construct Reachability Graph of a Petri Net | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | PNAnalysis | A. Adriansyah |
Context-Aware Performance Output | Export | Context-Aware Performance Output | ContextAwarePerformance | B.F.A. Hompes |
Context-Aware Performance Output | Import | Context-Aware Performance Output | ContextAwarePerformance | B.F.A. Hompes |
Convert Accepting Petri Net Array to Local Process Model Ranking | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LocalProcessModelConformance | N. Tax |
Convert Accepting Petri Net to Local Process Model Ranking | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LocalProcessModelConformance | N. Tax |
Convert Balsa Artifact To Petri Net | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | Specifact | M.Estanyol, J.Munoz-Gama, et al. |
Convert BPMN diagram to Data Petri net | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | BPMNConversions | A. Kalenkova, D. Fahland |
Convert BPMN diagram to Petri net (control-flow) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | BPMNConversions | D. Fahland |
Convert BPMN to Petrinet | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | BPMNMiner | Raffaele Conforti |
Convert C-Net to BPMN | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | BPMNConversions | Nikita Gundobin |
Convert C-Net to BPMN | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | BPMNAnalysis | I. Bayraktar |
Convert C-Net to BPMN with OR | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | BPMNConversions | Anna Kalenkova |
Convert Causal net (C-Net) to Petri net | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | DataAwareCNetMiner | F. Mannhardt |
Convert Causal net (C-Net) to Petri net | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | DataAwareCNetMiner | F. Mannhardt |
Convert Causal Net to CPF Model | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | AProMore | hvnguyen |
Convert Causal Net to CPF Model | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | AProMore | hvnguyen |
Convert Cheetah Log | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | PPM | J. Claes |
Convert Cheetah Log | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | PPM | Jan Claes |
Convert CNet to Petrinet (BVD) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | CNetReplayer | B.F. van Dongen |
Convert CPF Model to Causal Net | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | AProMore | hvnguyen |
Convert CPF Model to Causal Net | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | AProMore | hvnguyen |
Convert CSV to XES | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | Log | F. Mannhardt, N. Tax, D.M.M. Schunselaar |
Convert CSV to XES | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | Log | F. Mannhardt, N. Tax, D.M.M. Schunselaar |
Convert Data Alignment to Event Log with XAlignmentExtension | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | DataAwareReplayer | F. Mannhardt |
Convert Data Alignment to Event Log with XAlignmentExtension | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | DataAwareReplayer | F. Mannhardt |
Convert Data Petri net to BPMN diagram | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | BPMNConversions | A. Kalenkova |
Convert Data Petri net to Petri net | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | DataPetriNets | F. Mannhardt |
Convert Data Petri net to Petri net | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | DataPetriNets | F. Mannhardt |
Convert Data-aware Causal Net (DC-Net) to DPN | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | DataAwareCNetMiner | F. Mannhardt |
Convert Data-aware Causal Net (DC-Net) to DPN | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | DataAwareCNetMiner | F. Mannhardt |
Convert Distributions in stochastic Petri net | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | StochasticPetriNets | A. Rogge-Solti |
Convert Distributions in stochastic Petri net | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | StochasticPetriNets | A. Rogge-Solti |
Convert DPN-net to Graphviz DOT | Plug-in variant | Convert DPN-net to DOT | DataPetriNets | F. Mannhardt |
Convert efficient tree to accepting Petri net | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | InductiveMinerDeprecated | S.J.J. Leemans |
Convert efficient tree to accepting Petri net | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | InductiveMinerDeprecated | S.J.J. Leemans |
Convert efficient tree to Accepting Petri Net and reduce | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | InductiveMiner | S.J.J. Leemans |
Convert efficient tree to Accepting Petri Net and reduce | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | InductiveMiner | S.J.J. Leemans |
Convert efficient tree to process tree | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | InductiveMinerDeprecated | S.J.J. Leemans |
Convert efficient tree to process tree | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | InductiveMinerDeprecated | S.J.J. Leemans |
Convert EPC to CPF Model | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | AProMore | hvnguyen |
Convert EPC to CPF Model | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | AProMore | hvnguyen |
Convert EPC to Petri Net | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | EPCConversion | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Convert Flexible model to Petri Net | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | FlexReplayer | A. Adriansyah |
Convert Heuristics net into Petri net | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | HeuristicsMiner | J.T.S. Ribeiro |
Convert Literal Attribute to Proper Type | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LocalProcessModelDiscovery | N. Tax |
Convert log to directly follows graph | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | InductiveMinerDeprecated | S.J.J. Leemans |
Convert log to directly follows graph | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | InductiveMinerDeprecated | S.J.J. Leemans |
Convert log to directly-follows-precedes graph | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | LocalProcessModelDiscovery | N.Tax |
Convert log to directly-follows-precedes graph | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LocalProcessModelDiscovery | N.Tax |
Convert log to lift directly-follows-precedes graph | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | LocalProcessModelDiscovery | N.Tax |
Convert log to lift directly-follows-precedes graph | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LocalProcessModelDiscovery | N.Tax |
Convert Newick Tree Collection to Process Tree List | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | PTAndLogGenerator | Toon Jouck |
Convert Newick Tree to Process Tree | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | PTAndLogGenerator | Toon Jouck |
Convert Petri net to BPMN diagram | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | BPMNConversions | A. Kalenkova |
Convert Petri net to BPMN diagram with Subprocesses | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | BPMNConversions | A. Kalenkova |
Convert Petri Net to C-EPC | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | EPCConversion | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Convert Petri Net to CPF Model | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | AProMore | hvnguyen |
Convert Petri Net to CPF Model | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | AProMore | hvnguyen |
Convert Petri net to Data Petri net | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | DataPetriNets | F. Mannhardt |
Convert Petri net to Data Petri net | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | DataPetriNets | F. Mannhardt |
Convert Petri Net to Flexible model | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | FlexReplayer | A. Adriansyah |
Convert Petrinet to BPMN | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | BPMNMiner | Raffaele Conforti |
Convert PNRepResult to Log with Alignment Extension | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | PNetAlignmentXESConversion | Wai Lam Jonathan Lee |
Convert POAlignment to XES log | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | PartialOrderReplayer | Xixi Lu |
Convert Process Tree and Configruation to a YAWL model, Domain Configuration, and a CMapping | Plug-in variant | Convert ProcessTree YAWL (Model, Configuration, CMapping) | PTConversions | D.M.M. Schunselaar |
Convert Process Tree and Configruation to a YAWL model, Domain Configuration, and a CMapping | Plug-in variant | Convert ProcessTree YAWL (Model, Configuration, CMapping) | ProcessTree | D.M.M. Schunselaar |
Convert Process tree to BPMN diagram | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | BPMNConversions | A. Kalenkova |
Convert Process tree to BPMN diagram with subprocesses | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | BPMNConversions | T. Badretdinov |
Convert Process Tree to CPN Model | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | Petra | D.M.M. Schunselaar |
Convert Process Tree to CPN Model | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | Petra | D.M.M. Schunselaar |
Convert process tree to efficient tree | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | InductiveMinerDeprecated | S.J.J. Leemans |
Convert process tree to efficient tree | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | InductiveMinerDeprecated | S.J.J. Leemans |
Convert Process Tree to EPC | Plug-in variant | Convert ProcessTree to EPC (unfold tree) | PTConversions | D.M.M. Schunselaar |
Convert Process Tree to EPC | Plug-in variant | Convert ProcessTree to EPC (do not unfold tree) | PTConversions | D.M.M. Schunselaar |
Convert Process Tree to Newick Tree | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | PTAndLogGenerator | Toon Jouck |
Convert Process Tree to Petri Net | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | PTConversions | S.J.J. Leemans |
Convert Process Tree to Petri Net | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | PTConversions | S.J.J. Leemans |
Convert Process Tree to Petri Net | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | ProcessTree | S.J.J. Leemans |
Convert Process Tree to Petri Net | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | ProcessTree | S.J.J. Leemans |
Convert Process Tree to Petri Net (LPM package) | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | LocalProcessModelDiscovery | Niek Tax |
Convert Process Tree to Petri Net (LPM package) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LocalProcessModelDiscovery | Niek Tax |
Convert Process Tree to Petri Net – keep structure | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | PTConversions | S.J.J. Leemans |
Convert Process Tree to Petri Net – keep structure | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | PTConversions | S.J.J. Leemans |
Convert Process Tree to Petri Net – keep structure | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | ProcessTree | S.J.J. Leemans |
Convert Process Tree to Petri Net – keep structure | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | ProcessTree | S.J.J. Leemans |
Convert Process Tree to Petri Net, keep structure (LPM package) | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | LocalProcessModelDiscovery | Niek Tax |
Convert Process Tree to Petri Net, keep structure (LPM package) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LocalProcessModelDiscovery | Niek Tax |
Convert Process Tree to YAWL model | Plug-in variant | Convert ProcessTree to Yawl (shared, decomposed) | PTConversions | D.M.M. Schunselaar |
Convert Process Tree to YAWL model | Plug-in variant | Convert ProcessTree to Yawl (shared, synchronized, decomposed) | PTConversions | D.M.M. Schunselaar |
Convert Process Tree to YAWL model | Plug-in variant | Convert ProcessTree to Yawl (shared) | PTConversions | D.M.M. Schunselaar |
Convert Process Tree to YAWL model | Plug-in variant | Convert ProcessTree to Yawl (copied) | PTConversions | D.M.M. Schunselaar |
Convert Process Tree to YAWL model | Plug-in variant | Convert ProcessTree to Yawl (shared, synchronized) | PTConversions | D.M.M. Schunselaar |
Convert Process Tree to YAWL model | Plug-in variant | Convert ProcessTree to Yawl (minimal) | PTConversions | D.M.M. Schunselaar |
Convert Process Tree to YAWL model | Plug-in variant | Convert ProcessTree to Yawl (shared, decomposed) | ProcessTree | D.M.M. Schunselaar |
Convert Process Tree to YAWL model | Plug-in variant | Convert ProcessTree to Yawl (shared, synchronized, decomposed) | ProcessTree | D.M.M. Schunselaar |
Convert Process Tree to YAWL model | Plug-in variant | Convert ProcessTree to Yawl (shared) | ProcessTree | D.M.M. Schunselaar |
Convert Process Tree to YAWL model | Plug-in variant | Convert ProcessTree to Yawl (copied) | ProcessTree | D.M.M. Schunselaar |
Convert Process Tree to YAWL model | Plug-in variant | Convert ProcessTree to Yawl (shared, synchronized) | ProcessTree | D.M.M. Schunselaar |
Convert Process Tree to YAWL model | Plug-in variant | Convert ProcessTree to Yawl (minimal) | ProcessTree | D.M.M. Schunselaar |
Convert Process Tree to YAWLOrgData | Plug-in variant | Convert ProcessTree to YAWLOrgData | PTConversions | D.M.M. Schunselaar |
Convert Process Tree to YAWLOrgData | Plug-in variant | Convert ProcessTree to YAWLOrgData | ProcessTree | D.M.M. Schunselaar |
Convert RPST node to Petri Net | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | AcceptingPetriNetDecomposer | Wai Lam Jonathan Lee |
Convert to Data Anotated Log | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | PartialOrderReplayer | Xixi Lu |
Convert to Inhibitor-net | PetriNets | H.M.W. Verbeek, S.J. van Zelst | ||
Convert to Log Alignments | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LogAlignment | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Convert to Replay Results | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LogAlignment | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Convert to Reset-net | PetriNets | H.M.W. Verbeek, S.J. van Zelst | ||
Convert to Reset/Inhibitor-net | PetriNets | H.M.W. Verbeek, S.J. van Zelst | ||
Convert to Static Event Stream | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | EventStream | S.J. van Zelst |
Convert YAWL Model to Flexible model | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | FlexReplayer | A. Adriansyah |
Convert YAWL to CPF Model | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | AProMore | hvnguyen |
Convert YAWL to CPF Model | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | AProMore | hvnguyen |
Copy attribute to trace level (In place) | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Copy attribute to trace level (In place) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Copy attributes between events (In place) | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Copy attributes between events (In place) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Copy attributes from event-level to trace-level | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | M. de Leoni |
Copy attributes from event-level to trace-level | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | M. de Leoni |
Copy trace attributes to the 1st event (In place) | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Copy trace attributes to the 1st event (In place) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Correlation-Aware Declare Miner | Plug-in variant | Enhance a Declare Map with Correlations | DataAwareDeclareMiner | F.M. Maggi |
Cosimulate CPN Model with ProM plugins | Plug-in variant | Cosimulate CPN Model with ProM plugins | Cosimulation | M. Westergaard |
CPF export | Export | CPF export | AProMore | P. Napoli |
CPN Model Export | Export | CPN Model Export | Petra | Dennis Schunselaar |
CPN Tools Model | Import | CPN Tools Model | CPNet | M. Westergaard, S.J. van Zelst |
Create Accepting Petri Net | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | AcceptingPetriNet | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Create Accepting Petri Net Array | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | AcceptingPetriNet | S.J. van Zelst |
Create Activity Clusters | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | ActivityClusterArrayExtractor | J.Munoz-Gama |
Create Clusters | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | ActivityClusterArrayCreator | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Create Coverability Graph 1 | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | StreamConformance | A. Burattin |
Create Coverability Graph 1 | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | StreamConformance | A. Burattin |
Create Coverability Graph for Online conformance | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | StreamConformance | A. Burattin |
Create Coverability Graph for Online conformance | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | StreamConformance | A. Burattin |
Create Data Context | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | Petra | D.M.M. Schunselaar |
Create Data Context | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | Petra | D.M.M. Schunselaar |
Create Data Context Array | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | Petra | D.M.M. Schunselaar |
Create Data Context Array | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | Petra | D.M.M. Schunselaar |
Create DPN (Text language based) | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | DataPetriNets | F. Mannhardt |
Create DPN (Text language based) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | DataPetriNets | F. Mannhardt |
Create Efficient Event Set from Log | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LocalProcessModelDiscovery | N. Tax |
Create Environment Context | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | Petra | D.M.M. Schunselaar |
Create Environment Context | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | Petra | D.M.M. Schunselaar |
Create Environment Context Array | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | Petra | D.M.M. Schunselaar |
Create Environment Context Array | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | Petra | D.M.M. Schunselaar |
Create event collection from event log | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | ContextAwarePerformance | B.F.A. Hompes |
Create Event Log Array | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | StreamAnalysis | S.J. van Zelst |
Create Final Marking | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | PNetReplayer | Arya Adriansyah |
Create Frequency Distribution | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | Log | Eric Verbeek |
Create Frequency Distributions | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | Log | Eric Verbeek |
Create Fresh Log | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | Widgets | M. Westergaard |
Create Graph | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | CausalActivityGraphCreator | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Create Graph using Creator | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | CausalActivityGraphCreator | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Create Happifiable Log | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | Log | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Create Initial Marking | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | PNetReplayer | Arya Adriansyah |
Create log with attributes | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | InteractiveProcessMining | P.M. Dixit |
Create log with attributes Trace level IUI | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | InteractiveProcessMining | P.M. Dixit |
Create log with attributes using petrinet with data | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | InteractiveProcessMining | P.M. Dixit |
Create Matrix | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | CausalActivityMatrixCreator | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Create new events based on timestamp attributes | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Create new events based on timestamp attributes | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Create Originator Context | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | Petra | D.M.M. Schunselaar |
Create Originator Context | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | Petra | D.M.M. Schunselaar |
Create Originator Context Array | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | Petra | D.M.M. Schunselaar |
Create Originator Context Array | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | Petra | D.M.M. Schunselaar |
Create Pareto Front For Process Tree Array | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | Petra | D.M.M. Schunselaar |
Create Pareto Front For Process Tree Array | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | Petra | D.M.M. Schunselaar |
Create PDC 2016 Log | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | PDC2016 | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Create PDC 2017 Log | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | PDC2017 | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Create Petri net (Text language based) | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | DataPetriNets | F. Mannhardt |
Create Petri net (Text language based) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | DataPetriNets | F. Mannhardt |
Create Petri Net List | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | PetriNets | S.J. van Zelst |
Create Process Tree Array | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | ProcessTree | D.M.M. Schunselaar |
Create Process Tree Array | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | ProcessTree | D.M.M. Schunselaar |
Create Simulation Context | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | Petra | D.M.M. Schunselaar |
Create Simulation Context | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | Petra | D.M.M. Schunselaar |
Create Simulation Context Array | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | Petra | D.M.M. Schunselaar |
Create Simulation Context Array | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | Petra | D.M.M. Schunselaar |
Create Static Event Stream | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | EventStream | S.J. van Zelst |
Create Temporal Pattern for Compliance Checking | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | Compliance | Dirk Fahland |
Create/Edit Configurable Petri net | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | PetriNets | Dirk Fahland |
Create/Edit DeclareMap With Data | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | DeclareChecker | M.H.M. Schouten |
Create/Edit DeclareMap With Data Visualization | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | DeclareChecker | Massimiliano de Leoni, Fabrizio Maggi and M.H.M. Schouten |
Create/Edit PetriNet With Data | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | DataPetriNets | M. de Leoni |
Create/Edit PetriNet With Data | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | DataPetriNets | M. de Leoni |
CSV Visualizer | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | CSVImporter | A. Burattin |
CSV Visualizer | Visualizer | Smart CSV Visualizer | CSVImporter | Andrea Burattin |
CSV Visualizer | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | CSVImporter | A. Burattin |
Dashboard Visualizer | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | ComplianceFramework | V. Gromov |
Dashboard Visualizer | Visualizer | Dashboard Visualizer | ComplianceFramework | Vladimir Gromov |
Dashboard Visualizer | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | ComplianceFramework | V. Gromov |
Data and Resource Compliance Checking-Rules Restricting Activities | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | ComplianceFramework | V. Gromov |
Data and Resource Compliance Checking-Rules Restricting Activities | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | ComplianceFramework | V. Gromov |
Data and Resource Compliance Checking-Rules Restricting Attributes | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | ComplianceFramework | V. Gromov |
Data and Resource Compliance Checking-Rules Restricting Attributes | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | ComplianceFramework | V. Gromov |
Data Petri net (Graphviz) | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | DataPetriNets | Massimiliano de Leoni |
Data Petri Net (JGraph) | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | DataPetriNets | Massimiliano |
Data Petri Net (JGraph) | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | DataPetriNets | Massimiliano de Leoni |
Data Petri Net (JGraph) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | DataPetriNets | Massimiliano |
Data quality | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | InteractiveProcessMining | P.M. Dixit |
Data-Aware Declare Miner | Plug-in variant | Data-Aware Declare Miner | DataAwareDeclareMiner | F.M. Maggi |
Data-aware Explorer | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | DataAwareExplorer | Felix Mannhardt |
Data-Aware History-Based Conformance Checking | Plug-in variant | Data-Aware History-Based Conformance Checking | HistoryAwareConformanceChecking | Mahdi Alizadeh |
Database Social Network | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | DatabaseSocialNetwork | A. Syamsiyah |
Database Social Network Controller Visualizer | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | DatabaseSocialNetwork | A. Syamsiyah |
Database Social Network Controller Visualizer | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | DatabaseSocialNetwork | A. Syamsiyah |
Database-Incremental Declare Miner (DIDM) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | MixedParadigm | A. Syamsiyah |
Database-Incremental Inductive Miner (DIIM) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | DatabaseInductiveMiner | A. Syamsiyah |
Database-Incremental Inductive Miner with Concept Name (DIIMcn) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | DatabaseInductiveMiner | A. Syamsiyah |
Database-Incremental Inductive Miner with Sliding Window (DIIMsw) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | DatabaseInductiveMiner | A. Syamsiyah |
Database-Incremental Inductive Miner with Sliding Window (Report) (DIIMsw-Report) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | DatabaseInductiveMiner | A. Syamsiyah |
Day Abstraction Log Editor | Log | H.M.W. Verbeek, F. Mannhardt, S.J. van Zelst | ||
De-duplicate event log | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | NLPLogUtils | S.J.J. Leemans |
De-duplicate event log | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | NLPLogUtils | S.J.J. Leemans |
De-duplicate event log and mine Petri net | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | NLPLogUtils | S.J.J. Leemans |
De-duplicate event log and mine Petri net | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | NLPLogUtils | S.J.J. Leemans |
Declare Analyzer | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | DeclareAnalyzer | A. Burattin, F.M. Maggi |
Declare Analyzer | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | DeclareAnalyzer | A. Burattin, F.M. Maggi |
Declare Analyzer from miner output | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | DeclareAnalyzer | A. Burattin, F.M. Maggi |
Declare Analyzer from miner output | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | DeclareAnalyzer | A. Burattin, F.M. Maggi |
Declare Data-Aware Compliance Checker | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | DeclareChecker | M.H.M. Schouten |
Declare Diagnoser | Plug-in variant | Declare Diagnoser | DeclareChecker | M. de Leoni, F.M. Maggi |
Declare Map Export | Export | Declare Map Export | Hybrid | D.M.M. Schunselaar |
Declare Miner | Plug-in variant | Repair a Declare Map No Transitive | DeclareMiner | F.M. Maggi |
Declare Miner | Plug-in variant | Declare Maps Miner No Transitive | DeclareMiner | F.M. Maggi |
Declare Miner | Plug-in variant | Repair a Declare Model No Transitive | DeclareMiner | F.M. Maggi |
Declare Miner | Plug-in variant | Repair a Declare Map No Reductions | DeclareMiner | F.M. Maggi |
Declare Miner | Plug-in variant | Declare Maps Miner No Reductions | DeclareMiner | F.M. Maggi |
Declare Miner | Plug-in variant | Repair a Declare Model No Reductions | DeclareMiner | F.M. Maggi |
Declare Miner | Plug-in variant | Repair a Declare Map No Hierarchy | DeclareMiner | F.M. Maggi |
Declare Miner | Plug-in variant | Declare Maps Miner No Hierarchy | DeclareMiner | F.M. Maggi |
Declare Miner | Plug-in variant | Repair a Declare Model No Hierarchy | DeclareMiner | F.M. Maggi |
Declare Miner | Plug-in variant | Repair a Declare Map | DeclareMiner | F.M. Maggi |
Declare Miner | Plug-in variant | Declare Maps Miner | DeclareMiner | F.M. Maggi |
Declare Miner | Plug-in variant | Repair a Declare Model | DeclareMiner | F.M. Maggi |
Declare Miner Visualization | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | DeclareMiner | F. M. Maggi |
Declare Miner Visualization | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | DeclareMinerVisualizer | Fabrizio Maggi |
Declare Miner Visualization | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | DeclareChecker | Massimiliano de Leoni, Fabrizio Maggi and M.H.M. Schouten |
Declare Miner Visualization | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | DataAwareDeclareMiner | Fabrizio Maggi |
Declare Model Reducer | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | DeclareMiner | F.M. Maggi |
Declare Replayer | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | DeclareChecker | M. de Leoni, F. M. Maggi |
Declare Replayer | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | DeclareChecker | M. de Leoni, F. M. Maggi |
Declare to LTL | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LTLChecker | F.M. Maggi |
Declare to LTL | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | DeclareMiner | F.M. Maggi |
Decompose Accepting Petri Net into Accepting Petri Net Array by SESE-based decomposition | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | AcceptingPetriNetDecomposer | Wai Lam Jonathan Lee |
Decorate a BPMN Model with a Role Partition | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | Swimlanes | PROMPT workgroup |
Decorate a BPMN Model with a Role Partition | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | Swimlanes | PROMPT workgroup |
Decorate a Data Petri Net with a Role Partition | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | Swimlanes | PROMPT workgroup |
Decorate a Data Petri Net with a Role Partition | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | Swimlanes | PROMPT workgroup |
Default Log Filter | Log | H.M.W. Verbeek, F. Mannhardt, S.J. van Zelst | ||
Default Simple Visualization | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | PNetReplayer | A. Adriansyah |
Detect redundancy in pragmatic LPM search | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LocalProcessModelDiscovery | N. Tax |
Detect redundancy in pragmatic LPM search (node order fix) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LocalProcessModelDiscovery | N. Tax |
Determine Activity Costs | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LogAlignment | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Dfg export (directly follows graph) | Export | Dfg export (directly follows graph) | InductiveMinerDeprecated | SJJ Leemans |
Discover Accepting Petri Net(s) (Alpha Miner) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | StreamAlphaMiner | S.J. van Zelst |
Discover Accepting Petri Net(s) (Alpha Miner) | Plug-in variant | Use Variant Name | StreamAlphaMiner | S.J. van Zelst |
Discover Accepting Petri Net(s) (Flower Miner) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | EventStream | S.J. van Zelst |
Discover Accepting Petri Net(s) (Heuristics Miner) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | StreamHeuristicsMiner | S.J. van Zelst |
Discover Accepting Petri Net(s) (ILP Miner) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | StreamILPMiner | S.J. van Zelst |
Discover Accepting Petri Net(s) (Inductive Miner) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | StreamInductiveMiner | S.J. van Zelst |
Discover Accepting Petri Net(s) (Inductive Miner) | Plug-in variant | Use Variant Name | StreamInductiveMiner | S.J. van Zelst |
Discover Accepting Petri Net(s) (Transition Systems Miner) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | StreamTransitionSystemsMiner | S.J. van Zelst |
Discover Accepting Petri Nets | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | AcceptingPetriNetMiner | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Discover C-Net (Stream Heuristics Miner / Baseline) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | StreamHeuristicsMiner | S.J. van Zelst |
Discover Clusters | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | ActivityClusterArrayCreator | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Discover Cooperative Network(s) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | StreamSocialNetworks | S.J. van Zelst |
Discover Event Correlations in a Declare Map | Plug-in variant | Discover Event Correlations in a Declare Model | DataAwareDeclareMiner | F.M. Maggi |
Discover Event Correlations in a Declare Map | Plug-in variant | Discover Event Correlations in a Declare Map | DataAwareDeclareMiner | F.M. Maggi |
Discover Graph | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | CausalActivityGraphCreator | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Discover Matrix | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | CausalActivityMatrixMiner | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Discover Process Tree(s) (Inductive Miner) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | StreamInductiveMiner | S.J. van Zelst |
Discover Process Tree(s) (Inductive Miner) | Plug-in variant | Use Variant Name | StreamInductiveMiner | S.J. van Zelst |
Discover Swimlanes | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | Swimlanes | PROMPT workgroup |
Discover Swimlanes | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | Swimlanes | PROMPT workgroup |
Discover using Decomposition | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | DecomposedMiner | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Discover using the Statechart Workbench | Plug-in variant | Use Variant Name | Statechart | M. Leemans |
Discovered Data Petri net (Graphviz) | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | DataDiscovery | F. Mannhardt |
Discovery of the Process Data-Flow (Decision-Tree Miner) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | DataDiscovery | Massimiliano de Leoni, F. Mannhardt, |
Dot visualisation | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | GraphViz | SJJ Leemans |
DPN Text Editor | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | DataPetriNets | Massimiliano de Leoni |
DPNML export (Petri net with automata) | Export | DPNML export (Petri net with automata) | MixedParadigm | B.F. van Dongen |
Duplicate Event Log Filter | Log | H.M.W. Verbeek, F. Mannhardt, S.J. van Zelst | ||
Edit DPN (Text language based) | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | DataPetriNets | F. Mannhardt |
Edit DPN (Text language based) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | DataPetriNets | F. Mannhardt |
Edit Petri net (Text language based) | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | DataPetriNets | F. Mannhardt |
Edit Petri net (Text language based) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | DataPetriNets | F. Mannhardt |
Efficient tree visualisation (Inductive visual Miner) | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | InductiveMiner | S.J.J. Leemans |
Efficient tree visualisation (Inductive visual Miner) | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | InductiveMiner | SJJ Leemans |
Efficient tree visualisation (Inductive visual Miner) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | InductiveMiner | S.J.J. Leemans |
Efficient tree visualisation (Inductive visual Miner) | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | InductiveVisualMiner | S.J.J. Leemans |
Efficient tree visualisation (Inductive visual Miner) | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | InductiveVisualMiner | SJJ Leemans |
Efficient tree visualisation (Inductive visual Miner) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | InductiveVisualMiner | S.J.J. Leemans |
EfficientTree export | Export | EfficientTree export | InductiveMinerDeprecated | SJJ Leemans |
EGraph Mapping | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | TraceMatching | |
EGraph Mapping | Plug-in variant | Use Variant Name | TraceMatching | |
Eigenvalue-based Precision (AcceptingPetriNet) | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | GeneralizedConformance | Andreas Solti |
Eigenvalue-based Precision (AcceptingPetriNet) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | GeneralizedConformance | Andreas Solti |
Eigenvalue-based Precision (Petrinet) | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | GeneralizedConformance | Andreas Solti |
Eigenvalue-based Precision (Petrinet) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | GeneralizedConformance | Andreas Solti |
Eigenvalue-based Precision (ProcessTree) | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | GeneralizedConformance | Andreas Solti |
Eigenvalue-based Precision (ProcessTree) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | GeneralizedConformance | Andreas Solti |
ELA export (Event Log Array) | Export | ELA export (Event Log Array) | PTAndLogGenerator | Toon Jouck |
ELA export (Event Log Array) | Export | ELA export (Event Log Array) | DivideAndConquer | H.M.W. Verbeek |
ELA export (Event Log Array) | Export | ELA export (Event Log Array) | Log | H.M.W. Verbeek, F. Mannhardt, S.J. van Zelst |
Elicit Compliance Rule (experimental) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | Compliance | Dirk Fahland, Elham Ramezani |
Enrich log for temporal compliance checking | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | Compliance | Dirk Fahland |
Enrich Petri Net (Simulated Experiment) | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | StochasticPetriNets | A. Rogge-Solti |
Enrich Petri Net (Simulated Experiment) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | StochasticPetriNets | A. Rogge-Solti |
Enrich Petri Net with performance data | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | StochasticPetriNets | A. Rogge-Solti |
Enrich Petri Net with performance data | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | StochasticPetriNets | A. Rogge-Solti |
Enrich Petri Net with performance data (default mapping) | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | StochasticPetriNets | A. Rogge-Solti |
Enrich Petri Net with performance data (default mapping) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | StochasticPetriNets | A. Rogge-Solti |
EPC Array | Export | EPC Array | QualityMetrics | Daniel Braunnagel, Christoph Rathgeber, Lukas Kovacovic, and Reinhold Tausch |
EPC to Configurable EPC | QualityMetrics | Daniel Braunnagel, Christoph Rathgeber, Lukas Kovacovic, and Reinhold Tausch | ||
EPNML export | Export | EPNML export | EPC | H.M.W. Verbeek |
EPNML export (Petri net) | Export | EPNML export (Petri net) | PetriNets | H.M.W. Verbeek, S.J. van Zelst |
ERP Data Generator | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | OCBC | Guangming Li |
ERP Data Generator | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | OCBC | Guangming Li |
ERP Data Generator Visualization | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | OCBC | Guanming Li |
ETCConformance | Plug-in variant | Check Precision based on Align-ETConformance | ETConformance | J.Munoz-Gama |
ETConformance | Plug-in variant | Check Conformance using ETConformance | ETConformance | J.Munoz-Gama & J.Carmona |
ETCResults Visualizer | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | ETConformance | J. Munoz-Gama |
Evaluate Process Tree | Plug-in | Evaluate Process Tree | EvolutionaryTreeMiner | J.C.A.M.Buijs |
Evaluate Process Tree | Plug-in variant | Evaluate Process Tree | EvolutionaryTreeMiner | J.C.A.M.Buijs |
Evaluate Process Tree (with provided classifier) | Plug-in | Evaluate Process Tree (with classifier) | EvolutionaryTreeMiner | J.C.A.M.Buijs |
Evaluate Process Tree (with provided classifier) | Plug-in variant | Evaluate Process Tree (with classifier) | EvolutionaryTreeMiner | J.C.A.M.Buijs |
Evaluate Process Tree (with provided classifier), returns String | Plug-in | Evaluate Process Tree (with classifier) | EvolutionaryTreeMiner | J.C.A.M.Buijs |
Evaluate Process Tree (with provided classifier), returns String | Plug-in variant | Evaluate Process Tree (with classifier) | EvolutionaryTreeMiner | J.C.A.M.Buijs |
Evaluate Process Tree, returns String | Plug-in | Evaluate Process Tree | EvolutionaryTreeMiner | J.C.A.M.Buijs |
Evaluate Process Tree, returns String | Plug-in variant | Evaluate Process Tree | EvolutionaryTreeMiner | J.C.A.M.Buijs |
Eve – Discovery with Event Structures | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | Eve | Robin Bergenthum, Benjamin Meis |
Eve – Discovery with Event Structures | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | Eve | Robin Bergenthum, Benjamin Meis |
Event class of a Log/CNet connection factory | CNetReplayer | Arya Adriansyah | ||
Event class of a Log/Petrinet connection factory | PNetReplayer | A. Adriansyah | ||
Event Gap Analysis | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | EventGapAnalysis | Suriadi |
Event Log Filter | Log | H.M.W. Verbeek, F. Mannhardt, S.J. van Zelst | ||
Event Stream Analysis Framework (Alignments, APN) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | StreamAnalysis | S.J. van Zelst |
Event Stream Analysis Framework (M2M Automata, APN2APN) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | StreamAnalysis | S.J. van Zelst |
Event Stream Analysis Framework (M2M Automata, PT2PT) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | StreamAnalysis | S.J. van Zelst |
Event Stream Analysis Framework (Place Connected, APN) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | StreamAnalysis | S.J. van Zelst |
Example Provider | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | OSService | M.H. Schonenberg |
Execution Graph Fusion | Plug-in variant | Use Variant Name | TraceMatching | |
Exhaustive analysis plugin | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | InteractiveProcessMining | P.M. Dixit |
Exhaustive Configurable Process Tree Configuration | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | ConfigurableProcesses | Mauricio Arriagada-Benitez |
Expand collapsed process tree | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | InductiveMinerDeprecated | S.J.J. Leemans |
Expand collapsed process tree | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | InductiveMinerDeprecated | S.J.J. Leemans |
Explore Event Log (Trace Variants / Searchable / Sortable) | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Explore Event Log (Trace Variants / Searchable / Sortable) | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Explore Event Log (Trace Variants / Searchable / Sortable) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Export Alignment to CSV for Decision Point Analysis | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | PNetAlignmentAnalysis | Arya Adriansyah |
Export Alignment to CSV for Deviation Analysis | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | PNetAlignmentAnalysis | Arya Adriansyah |
Export alignments and attached info as CSV (.csv) | Export | Export alignments and attached info as CSV (.csv) | PNetReplayer | A. Adriansyah |
Export Alignments as CSV (.csv) | Export | Export Alignments as CSV (.csv) | DataAwareReplayer | Massimiliano de Leoni, Felix Mannhardt |
Export Alignments as XES (.xes) | Export | Export Alignments as XES (.xes) | DataAwareReplayer | Massimiliano de Leoni, Felix Mannhardt |
Export as Causal Net (.cnet) | Export | Export as Causal Net (.cnet) | CNet | Felix Mannhardt, Arya Adriansyah |
Export as Flexible Model (.flex) | Export | Export as Flexible Model (.flex) | Flex | A. Adriansyah |
Export as Flexible Model extended with cancelation region (.flexc) | Export | Export as Flexible Model extended with cancelation region (.flexc) | Flex | A. Adriansyah |
Export Compliance Dashboard as file | Export | Export Compliance Dashboard as file | ComplianceFramework | Vladimir Gromov |
Export CSV | Export | Export CSV | Log | H.M.W. Verbeek, F. Mannhardt, S.J. van Zelst |
Export CSV | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | Log | F. Mannhardt |
Export Data-Aware replay result Dashboard as csv | Export | Export Data-Aware replay result Dashboard as csv | ComplianceFramework | Vladimir Gromov |
Export Declare Maps | Export | Export Declare Maps | DeclareMiner | F. M. Maggi |
Export Declare Maps | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | DeclareMiner | F.M. Maggi |
Export Declare Maps | Export | Export Declare Maps | DataAwareDeclareMiner | Fabrizio Maggi |
Export Declare Maps | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | DataAwareDeclareMiner | F.M. Maggi |
Export Dot | Export | Export Dot | GraphViz | SJJ Leemans |
Export Dot | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | GraphViz | F. Mannhardt |
Export Dot as EMF | Export | Export Dot as EMF | GraphViz | SJJ Leemans |
Export Dot as EMF | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | GraphViz | F. Mannhardt |
Export Dot as EPS | Export | Export Dot as EPS | GraphViz | SJJ Leemans |
Export Dot as EPS | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | GraphViz | F. Mannhardt |
Export Dot as PDF | Export | Export Dot as PDF | GraphViz | SJJ Leemans |
Export Dot as PDF | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | GraphViz | F. Mannhardt |
Export Dot as PNG | Export | Export Dot as PNG | GraphViz | SJJ Leemans |
Export Dot as PNG | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | GraphViz | F. Mannhardt |
Export Dot as SVG | Export | Export Dot as SVG | GraphViz | SJJ Leemans |
Export Dot as SVG | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | GraphViz | F. Mannhardt |
Export Event Unifier Mapping | Export | Export Event Unifier Mapping | Uma | D. Fahland |
Export High-Utility Local Process Model Ranking | Export | Export High-Utility Local Process Model Ranking | LocalProcessModelDiscovery | Niek Tax |
Export IG set as DOT (.dot) | Export | Export IG set as DOT (.dot) | Big4Prom | Laura Genga |
Export IG set as IGS (.igs) | Export | Export IG set as IGS (.igs) | Big4Prom | Laura Genga |
Export Local Process Model Ranking | Export | Export Local Process Model Ranking | LocalProcessModelDiscovery | Niek Tax |
Export Log Skeleton | Export | Export Log Skeleton | LogSkeleton | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Export Log to Compressed IEEE XES File | Export | Export Log to Compressed IEEE XES File | XESStandardConnector | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Export Log to Compressed IEEE XES File | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | XESStandardConnector | H.M.W Verbeek |
Export Log to compressed MXML File | Export | Export Log to compressed MXML File | Log | H.M.W. Verbeek, F. Mannhardt, S.J. van Zelst |
Export Log to compressed MXML File | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | Log | H.M.W Verbeek |
Export Log to compressed XES File | Export | Export Log to compressed XES File | Log | H.M.W. Verbeek, F. Mannhardt, S.J. van Zelst |
Export Log to compressed XES File | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | Log | H.M.W Verbeek |
Export Log to CSV File | Export | Export Log to CSV File | Log | H.M.W. Verbeek, F. Mannhardt, S.J. van Zelst |
Export Log to CSV File | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | Log | F. Mannhardt, M. de Leoni |
Export Log to IEEE XES File | Export | Export Log to IEEE XES File | XESStandardConnector | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Export Log to IEEE XES File | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | XESStandardConnector | H.M.W Verbeek |
Export Log to MXML File | Export | Export Log to MXML File | Log | H.M.W. Verbeek, F. Mannhardt, S.J. van Zelst |
Export Log to MXML File | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | Log | H.M.W Verbeek |
Export Log to XES File | Export | Export Log to XES File | Log | H.M.W. Verbeek, F. Mannhardt, S.J. van Zelst |
Export Log to XES File | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | Log | H.M.W Verbeek |
Export manifest report as CSV (.csv) | Export | Export manifest report as CSV (.csv) | PNetReplayer | A. Adriansyah |
Export manifests and attached info as CSV (.csv) | Export | Export manifests and attached info as CSV (.csv) | PNetReplayer | A. Adriansyah |
Export map visualization policy | Export | Export map visualization policy | LogOnMapReplay | Massimiliano de Leoni |
Export map visualization policy | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LogOnMapReplay | A. Erdodi, M. de Leoni |
Export Newick Tree Collection | Export | Export Newick Tree Collection | PTAndLogGenerator | Toon Jouck |
Export OCBC Model (.ocbcmml) | Export | Export OCBC Model (.ocbcmml) | OCBC | Guanming Li |
Export of Data Petri nets | Export | Export of Data Petri nets | DataPetriNets | Massimiliano de Leoni |
Export Performance Comparison | Export | Export Performance Comparison | ProcessProfiler3D | Erik Poppe |
Export Performance Comparison | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | ProcessProfiler3D | Erik Poppe |
Export PLG Process Collection (.plg) | Export | Export PLG Process Collection (.plg) | ProcessLogGenerator | A. Burattin |
Export PNML Hierarchical Net | Export | Export PNML Hierarchical Net | ProcessProfiler3D | Erik Poppe |
Export PNML Hierarchical Net | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | ProcessProfiler3D | Erik Poppe |
Export PPMCharts (one per trace) | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | PPM | Jan Claes |
Export PPMCharts (one per trace) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | PPM | Jan Claes |
Export replayed visualization | Export | Export replayed visualization | LogOnMapReplay | Massimiliano de Leoni |
Export replayed visualization | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LogOnMapReplay | A. Erdodi, M. de Leoni, N.Gupta |
Export result report as CSV (.csv) | Export | Export result report as CSV (.csv) | PNetReplayer | A. Adriansyah |
Export simple control-flow alignment as CSV | Export | Export simple control-flow alignment as CSV | ModelRepair | D. Fahland |
Export Static Event Stream | Export | Export Static Event Stream | EventStream | A. Burattin, S.J. van Zelst |
Export Static Event Stream | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | EventStream | S.J. van Zelst |
Export XOC Log (.xoc) | Export | Export XOC Log (.xoc) | OCBC | Guanming Li |
Expt Petri net genera1114tor | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | InteractiveProcessMining | P.M. Dixit |
Expt Petri net genera114tor 12 | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | InteractiveProcessMining | P.M. Dixit |
Expt Petri net genera321tor | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | InteractiveProcessMining | P.M. Dixit |
Extend a Declare Map with Time Information | Plug-in variant | Extend a Declare Model with Time Information | DataAwareDeclareMiner | F.M. Maggi |
Extend a Declare Map with Time Information | Plug-in variant | Extend a Declare Map with Time Information | DataAwareDeclareMiner | F.M. Maggi |
Extend/Enhance Event Log with Supplementary Events | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Extend/Enhance Event Log with Supplementary Events | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Extension Filter | Plug-in variant | Remove extensions from log | Log | J.M.E.M. van der Werf |
Extract a Business Process Hierarchy | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | BusinessProcessHierarchy | K. Pennekamp |
Extract a Business Process Hierarchy | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | BusinessProcessHierarchy | K. Pennekamp |
Extract Augmented Log | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | FeaturePrediction | Massimiliano de Leoni |
Extract Augmented Log | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | FeaturePrediction | Massimiliano de Leoni |
Extract BPMN Diagram | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | BPMNMiner | Raffaele Conforti |
Extract Petrinet | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | BPMNMiner | Raffaele Conforti |
Extract sample of traces (Random) | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Extract sample of traces (Random) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Extract trace fragments | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | SubTrace | Nikolai Sitnikov |
Extract traces by index in log | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Extract traces by index in log | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Filter by Frequency > 1 | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LocalProcessModelDiscovery | N. Tax |
Filter directly follows graph | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | InductiveMinerDeprecated | S.J.J. Leemans |
Filter directly follows graph | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | InductiveMinerDeprecated | S.J.J. Leemans |
Filter event log based on choice | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | InteractiveProcessMining | P.M. Dixit |
Filter Event Log on Log Skeleton | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LogSkeleton | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Filter events | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | InductiveVisualMiner | S.J.J. Leemans |
Filter events based on attribute values | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Filter events based on attribute values | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Filter events based on transition mapping | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Filter events based on transition mapping | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Filter In High-Frequency Traces (Multiple Logs) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | Log | Eric Verbeek |
Filter In High-Frequency Traces (Single Log) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | Log | Eric Verbeek |
Filter Local Process Model ranking for Diversification | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LocalProcessModelDiscovery | N. Tax |
Filter Local Process Model ranking for Diversification (Revisited) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LocalProcessModelConformance | N. Tax |
Filter Log Alignments | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LogAlignment | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Filter Log by Attributes | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | Log | D. Fahland |
Filter log by deviation | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | ComplianceFramework | V. Gromov |
Filter log by deviation | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | ComplianceFramework | V. Gromov |
Filter Log on Event Attribute Values | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | Log | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Filter log on first six months per trace | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | Log | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Filter log on first six months per trace | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | Log | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Filter Log on Trace Attribute Values | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | Log | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Filter Log using Prefix-Closed Language (PCL) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | ILPMiner | Vitaly Kliger |
Filter Log using Simple Heuristics | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | Log | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Filter Log: Retain Trace with Higher Fitness | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | DataAwareReplayer | F. Mannhardt |
Filter Log: Retain Trace with Higher Fitness | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | DataAwareReplayer | F. Mannhardt |
Filter Log: Retain Trace with Lower Fitness | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | DataAwareReplayer | F. Mannhardt |
Filter Log: Retain Trace with Lower Fitness | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | DataAwareReplayer | F. Mannhardt |
Filter Out Low-Frequency Traces (Multiple Logs) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | Log | Eric Verbeek |
Filter Out Low-Frequency Traces (Single Log) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | Log | Eric Verbeek |
Filter Out Low-Occurrence Traces (Multiple Logs) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | Log | Eric Verbeek |
Filter Out Low-Occurrence Traces (Single Log) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | Log | Eric Verbeek |
Filter out unmapped event classes | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | PNetAlignmentAnalysis | Arya Adriansyah |
Filter unmapped event classes | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | Felix Mannhardt |
Filter unmapped event classes | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | Felix Mannhardt |
Filter Using Matrix (Multiple Logs) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | CausalActivityMatrix | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Filter Using Matrix (Single Log) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | CausalActivityMatrix | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Filter Utility Local Process Model Ranking by Strategy Discoverability | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LocalProcessModelDiscovery | N. Tax |
Filter Utility Local Process Model ranking for Diversification | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LocalProcessModelDiscovery | N. Tax |
Filter/Edit Attributes of an Event Log (In Place) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Final Event Log Filter | Log | H.M.W. Verbeek, F. Mannhardt, S.J. van Zelst | ||
Find abstractions | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | AcceptingPetriNetReductionLayouter | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Find context-based differences in process performance using event log | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | ContextAwarePerformance | B.F.A. Hompes |
Find context-based differences in process performance using event log and Petri net | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | ContextAwarePerformance | B.F.A. Hompes |
Find Dead Transition | PNAnalysis | A. Adriansyah | ||
Find Non-Activity-Specific Event Attributes | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LocalProcessModelDiscovery | N. Tax |
Fitness Calculator (Video Lectures) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | VideoLectureAnalysis | Alfredo Bolt |
Fitness Visualizer | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | PetriNetReplayAnalysis | Giorgio Spagnolo (spagnolo@…), Roberto Guanciale (guancio@…), et all. |
FitnessSuggestSettings | PetriNetReplayAnalysis | Giorgio Spagnolo (spagnolo@…), Roberto Guanciale (guancio@…), et all. | ||
Folding Process Tree Visualizer | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | PTLinearVisualization | Willem Sonke |
Folding Process Tree Visualizer | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | PTLinearVisualization | Willem Sonke and Eric Verbeek |
Folding Process Tree Visualizer | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | PTLinearVisualization | Willem Sonke |
Fragment Extraction parameters export | Export | Fragment Extraction parameters export | SubTrace | Nikolai Sitnikov (nikolai.sitnikov@…) |
Fragment Extraction parameters import | Import | Fragment Extraction parameters import | SubTrace | Nikolai Sitnikov (nikolai.sitnikov@…) |
Frequency plots | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | ContextAwarePerformance | B.F.A. Hompes |
From CloGSgrow patterns to LPM Ranking | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LocalProcessModelConformance | N. Tax |
Gaps Visualization | Visualizer | Gaps Visualization | EventGapAnalysis | Suriadi |
Generalized Miner Visualizer | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | GeneralizedConformance | Andreas Rogge-Solti |
Generate a collection of logs with PLG | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | ProcessLogGenerator | A. Burattin |
Generate a collection of logs with PLG | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | ProcessLogGenerator | A. Burattin |
Generate a collection of processes with PLG | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | ProcessLogGenerator | A. Burattin |
Generate a collection of processes with PLG | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | ProcessLogGenerator | A. Burattin |
Generate an Event Log from a Process Tree | PTAndLogGenerator | Toon Jouck | ||
Generate block-structured stochastic Petri net | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | StochasticPetriNets | A. Rogge-Solti |
Generate block-structured stochastic Petri net | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | StochasticPetriNets | A. Rogge-Solti |
Generate BPMN Process | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | BPMNVisualizer | PROMPT workgroup |
Generate BPMN Process | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | BPMNVisualizer | PROMPT workgroup |
Generate BPMN Process with data objects | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | BPMNVisualizer | PROMPT workgroup |
Generate BPMN Process with data objects | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | BPMNVisualizer | PROMPT workgroup |
Generate BPMN Process with lanes | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | BPMNVisualizer | PROMPT workgroup |
Generate BPMN Process with lanes | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | BPMNVisualizer | PROMPT workgroup |
Generate event log from alignments | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | InteractiveProcessMining | P.M. Dixit |
Generate Event Log from Petri Net (Simulation) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | PetriNetSimulator | Alfredo Bolt |
Generate Event Log with Concept Drift | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | PetriNetSimulator | Alfredo Bolt |
Generate Event Stream | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | EventStream | S.J. van Zelst |
Generate Event Stream (CPN) | Plug-in variant | Generate Event Stream (CPN) | EventStream | Sebastiaan J. van Zelst |
Generate Event Stream (Static Event Stream) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | EventStream | S.J. van Zelst |
Generate Log Collection (with noise) from Process Trees | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | PTAndLogGenerator | Toon Jouck |
Generate Log Collection from Process Trees | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | PTAndLogGenerator | Toon Jouck |
Generate log from org:group perspective | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LocalProcessModelDiscovery | N. Tax |
Generate log from org:resource perspective | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LocalProcessModelDiscovery | N. Tax |
Generate Monotonicity | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | Petra | D.M.M. Schunselaar |
Generate Monotonicity | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | Petra | D.M.M. Schunselaar |
Generate PDDL Encoding for Planning-based Alignment | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | PlanningBasedAlignment | Giacomo Lanciano |
Generate Petri net from IPN | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | InteractiveProcessMining | P.M. Dixit |
Generate Process Trees from Population | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | PTAndLogGenerator | Toon Jouck |
Generate Process Trees from Population(s) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | PTAndLogGenerator | Toon Jouck |
Generate random process tree | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | NLPLogUtils | S.J.J. Leemans |
Generate RPST from Accepting Petri Net | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | AcceptingPetriNetDecomposer | Wai Lam Jonathan Lee |
Genet (k-bounded synthesis/mining) | TSPetrinet | B.F. van Dongen | ||
Genetic Configurable Process Tree Configuration | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | ConfigurableProcesses | Mauricio Arriagada-Benitez |
Genetic Miner using partial knowledge | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | GeneticMinerUsingPartialKnowledge | Beata Legowska |
Genetic Miner using partial knowledge | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | GeneticMinerUsingPartialKnowledge | Beata Legowska |
GER Extractor | TSPetrinet | B.F. van Dongen | ||
Get Activity-Specific Timestamps | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | Compliance | Dirk Fahland |
Get Compliance dashboard | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | ComplianceFramework | V. Gromov |
Get Compliance dashboard | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | ComplianceFramework | V. Gromov |
Get Compliance Diagnostics From Alignment | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | Compliance | Dirk Fahland |
Get Compliance Diagnostics From Data-Aware Alignment | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | Compliance | Dirk Fahland |
Get Log From Best-Matching Alignments | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | Compliance | Dirk Fahland |
Get Log From Control-Flow Alignment | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | Compliance | Dirk Fahland |
Get problem insight | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | ComplianceFramework | V. Gromov |
Get problem insight | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | ComplianceFramework | V. Gromov |
Graphviz Accepting Petri net visualisation | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | InductiveVisualMiner | S.J.J. Leemans |
Graphviz Accepting Petri net visualisation | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | InductiveVisualMiner | SJJ Leemans |
Graphviz Accepting Petri net visualisation | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | InductiveVisualMiner | S.J.J. Leemans |
Graphviz directly follows graph visualisation | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | InductiveVisualMiner | S.J.J. Leemans |
Graphviz directly follows graph visualisation | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | InductiveVisualMiner | SJJ Leemans |
Graphviz directly follows graph visualisation | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | InductiveVisualMiner | S.J.J. Leemans |
Graphviz directly-follows graph visualisation | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | TraceMatching | S.J.J. Leemans |
Graphviz directly-follows graph visualisation | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | TraceMatching | Xixi Lu |
Graphviz directly-follows graph visualisation | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | TraceMatching | S.J.J. Leemans |
Graphviz directly-follows-precedes graph visualisation | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | LocalProcessModelDiscovery | N. Tax |
Graphviz directly-follows-precedes graph visualisation | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | LocalProcessModelDiscovery | Niek Tax |
Graphviz directly-follows-precedes graph visualisation | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LocalProcessModelDiscovery | N. Tax |
Graphviz L2 graph visualisation | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | LocalProcessModelDiscovery | N. Tax |
Graphviz L2 graph visualisation | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | LocalProcessModelDiscovery | Niek Tax |
Graphviz L2 graph visualisation | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LocalProcessModelDiscovery | N. Tax |
Graphviz lift directly-follows-precedes graph visualisation | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | LocalProcessModelDiscovery | N. Tax |
Graphviz lift directly-follows-precedes graph visualisation | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | LocalProcessModelDiscovery | Niek Tax |
Graphviz lift directly-follows-precedes graph visualisation | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LocalProcessModelDiscovery | N. Tax |
Graphviz Petri net visualisation | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | InductiveVisualMiner | S.J.J. Leemans |
Graphviz Petri net visualisation | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | InductiveVisualMiner | SJJ Leemans |
Graphviz Petri net visualisation | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | InductiveVisualMiner | S.J.J. Leemans |
Graphviz Petri net visualisation | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | TraceMatching | Xixi Lu |
Graphviz Petri net visualisation | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | TraceMatching | S.J.J. Leemans |
Graphviz process tree visualisation | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | InductiveVisualMiner | SJJ Leemans |
Greedily Explain Log with CloGSgrow patterns | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LocalProcessModelConformance | N. Tax |
Greedy Configurable Process Tree Configuration | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | ConfigurableProcesses | Mauricio Arriagada-Benitez |
Guide Tree Miner | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | GuideTreeMiner | R.P. Jagadeesh Chandra ‘JC’ Bose |
Guide Tree Visualization | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | GuideTreeMiner | J.C. Bose |
H2 Inductive Miner | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | DatabaseInductiveMiner | A. Syamsiyah |
Happify Log | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | Log | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Heuristics Miner 5.2 Wrapper | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | BPMNMiner | Raffaele Conforti |
Heuristics Miner Wrapper | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | BPMNMiner | Raffaele Conforti |
Hierarchical roles miner | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | MultiPerspectiveMiner | Prompt |
Hierarchical roles miner | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | MultiPerspectiveMiner | Prompt |
History-Based Conformance Checking | Plug-in variant | History-Based Conformance Checking | HistoryAwareConformanceChecking | Mahdi Alizadeh |
Hybrid Causal Graph Miner | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | HybridMiner | R. De Masellis et al. |
Hybrid Model Export | Export | Hybrid Model Export | Hybrid | D.M.M. Schunselaar |
Hybrid Petri Net Miner | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | HybridMiner | R. De Masellis et al. |
Identify Minimal Siphons | PNAnalysis | A. Adriansyah | ||
Identify Minimal Traps | PNAnalysis | A. Adriansyah | ||
Identify P-T Handles | PNAnalysis | A. Adriansyah | ||
Identify partial traces (in place) | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | InductiveMiner | S.J.J. Leemans |
Identify partial traces (in place) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | InductiveMiner | S.J.J. Leemans |
Identify S-Components | PNAnalysis | A. Adriansyah | ||
Identify T-Components | PNAnalysis | A. Adriansyah | ||
Identify T-P Handles | PNAnalysis | A. Adriansyah | ||
ILP Miner | Plug-in variant | Mine for a Petri Net using ILP | ILPMiner | T. van der Wiel |
ILP Miner Wrapper | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | BPMNMiner | Raffaele Conforti |
ILP-Based Process Discovery | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | HybridILPMiner | S.J. van Zelst |
ILP-Based Process Discovery | Plug-in variant | Use Variant Name | HybridILPMiner | S.J. van Zelst |
IM Traditional | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | DatabaseInductiveMiner | A. Syamsiyah |
Import a CSV file and convert it to dfg | Import | Import a CSV file and convert it to dfg | InductiveMinerDeprecated | SJJ Leemans |
Import a CSV file and convert it to XES | Import | Import a CSV file and convert it to XES | Log | H.M.W. Verbeek, F. Mannhardt, S.J. van Zelst |
Import a DFR file | Import | Import a DFR file | DatabaseInductiveMiner | A. Syamsiyah |
Import a XLog from Hadoop Distributed File System | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | HybridModel | S. Hernandez de Mesa |
Import Accepting Petri Net Array from APNA file | Import | Import Accepting Petri Net Array from APNA file | AcceptingPetriNet | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Import Accepting Petri Net from PNML file | Import | Import Accepting Petri Net from PNML file | AcceptingPetriNet | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Import Activity Cluster Array from ACA file | Import | Import Activity Cluster Array from ACA file | ActivityClusterArray | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Import an EfficientTree | Import | Import an EfficientTree | InductiveMinerDeprecated | SJJ Leemans |
Import Balsa from simplified file | Import | Import Balsa from simplified file | Specifact | Jorge Munoz, Josep Carmona, and Montse Estanyol |
Import BPMN model from BPMN 2.0 file | Import | Import BPMN model from BPMN 2.0 file | BPMN | H.M.W. Verbeek, F. Mannhardt, S.J. van Zelst |
Import BPMN model from BPMN 2.0 file with xslt | Import | Import BPMN model from BPMN 2.0 file with xslt | BPMNMeasures | R. Guanciale {guancio@…}, G. Spagnolo {spagnolo@…} et al. |
Import BPMN model from XPDL 2.2 file | Import | Import BPMN model from XPDL 2.2 file | BPMN | H.M.W. Verbeek, F. Mannhardt, S.J. van Zelst |
Import C-EPC from EPML file | Import | Import C-EPC from EPML file | QualityMetrics | Daniel Braunnagel, Christoph Rathgeber, Lukas Kovacovic, and Reinhold Tausch |
Import C-EPC from EPML file (use preprocess) | Import | Import C-EPC from EPML file (use preprocess) | EPC | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Import Causal Activity Graph from CAG file | Import | Import Causal Activity Graph from CAG file | CausalActivityGraph | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Import Causal Activity Matrix from CAM file | Import | Import Causal Activity Matrix from CAM file | CausalActivityMatrix | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Import Comma-Separated Values (.csv) | Import | Import Comma-Separated Values (.csv) | CSVImporter | Andrea Burattin |
Import Compliance Dashboard | Import | Import Compliance Dashboard | ComplianceFramework | Vladimir Gromov |
Import Compliance Guide From XML | Import | Import Compliance Guide From XML | Compliance | D. Fahland |
Import Configurable Petri net from annotated PNML file | Import | Import Configurable Petri net from annotated PNML file | Compliance | D. Fahland |
Import Configurable Reset/Inhibitor net from PNML file | Import | Import Configurable Reset/Inhibitor net from PNML file | PetriNets | H.M.W. Verbeek, S.J. van Zelst |
Import Configuration Guide From XML | Import | Import Configuration Guide From XML | Compliance | D. Fahland |
Import Conforming Log from Compressed IEEE XES Log File | Import | Import Conforming Log from Compressed IEEE XES Log File | XESStandardConnector | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Import Conforming Log from IEEE XES Log File | Import | Import Conforming Log from IEEE XES Log File | XESStandardConnector | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Import CPF from CPF file | Import | Import CPF from CPF file | AProMore | P. Napoli |
Import Data Petri Net from PNML file | Import | Import Data Petri Net from PNML file | DataPetriNets | Massimiliano de Leoni |
Import EPC Array | Import | Import EPC Array | QualityMetrics | Daniel Braunnagel, Christoph Rathgeber, Lukas Kovacovic, and Reinhold Tausch |
Import Event Log Array from ELA file | Import | Import Event Log Array from ELA file | DivideAndConquer | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Import Event Log Array from ELA file | Import | Import Event Log Array from ELA file | Log | H.M.W. Verbeek, F. Mannhardt, S.J. van Zelst |
Import Event Unifier Mapping | Import | Import Event Unifier Mapping | Uma | D. Fahland |
Import High-Utility Local Process Model Ranking from ULPMR file | Import | Import High-Utility Local Process Model Ranking from ULPMR file | LocalProcessModelDiscovery | Niek Tax |
Import Hybrid Model | Import | Import Hybrid Model | Hybrid | D.M.M. Schunselaar |
Import IG from IGS (.igs) | Import | Import IG from IGS (.igs) | Big4Prom | Laura Genga |
Import Inhibitor net from PNML file | Import | Import Inhibitor net from PNML file | PetriNets | H.M.W. Verbeek, S.J. van Zelst |
Import Lenient Log from Compressed IEEE XES Log File | Import | Import Lenient Log from Compressed IEEE XES Log File | XESStandardConnector | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Import Lenient Log from IEEE XES Log File | Import | Import Lenient Log from IEEE XES Log File | XESStandardConnector | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Import Local Process Model Ranking from LPMR file | Import | Import Local Process Model Ranking from LPMR file | LocalProcessModelDiscovery | Niek Tax |
Import Log Alignment Array from LALA file | Import | Import Log Alignment Array from LALA file | LogAlignment | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Import Log Alignment from LAL file | Import | Import Log Alignment from LAL file | LogAlignment | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Import Log from SimpleLog file | Import | Import Log from SimpleLog file | SLog | J. Munoz et al. |
Import Log from SimpleResourceLog file | Import | Import Log from SimpleResourceLog file | SLog | J. Munoz et al. |
Import Log from TRLog file | Import | Import Log from TRLog file | SLog | J. Munoz et al. |
Import Log Skeleton | Import | Import Log Skeleton | LogSkeleton | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Import LTL Model | Import | Import LTL Model | LTLChecker | F. M. Maggi |
Import Newick tree from newick file | Import | Import Newick tree from newick file | PTAndLogGenerator | Toon Jouck |
Import OCBC Model (.ocbcmml) | Import | Import OCBC Model (.ocbcmml) | OCBC | Guanming Li |
Import Open net from PNML file | Import | Import Open net from PNML file | PetriNets | H.M.W. Verbeek, S.J. van Zelst |
Import Performance Comparison | Import | Import Performance Comparison | ProcessProfiler3D | Erik Poppe |
Import Petri net from COSA file | Import | Import Petri net from COSA file | COSAImportExport | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Import Petri net from PNML file | Import | Import Petri net from PNML file | PetriNets | H.M.W. Verbeek, S.J. van Zelst |
Import Petri Net List from .pnlist File | Import | Import Petri Net List from .pnlist File | PetriNets | H.M.W. Verbeek, S.J. van Zelst |
Import Petri net with Automata from DPNML file | Import | Import Petri net with Automata from DPNML file | MixedParadigm | B.F. van Dongen |
Import PLG Process Collection (.plg) | Import | Import PLG Process Collection (.plg) | ProcessLogGenerator | A. Burattin |
Import PNML Hierarchical Net | Import | Import PNML Hierarchical Net | ProcessProfiler3D | Erik Poppe |
Import Process Tree Array | Import | Import Process Tree Array | ProcessTree | J.C.A.M. Buijs, B.F. van Dongen, D.M.M. Schunselaar, and H.M.W. Verbeek |
Import Process Tree Configuration | Import | Import Process Tree Configuration | ProcessTree | J.C.A.M. Buijs, B.F. van Dongen, D.M.M. Schunselaar, and H.M.W. Verbeek |
Import Process Tree Data Context Array | Import | Import Process Tree Data Context Array | Petra | Dennis Schunselaar |
Import Process Tree Data Context from PTDCF file | Import | Import Process Tree Data Context from PTDCF file | Petra | Dennis Schunselaar |
Import Process Tree Environment Context Array | Import | Import Process Tree Environment Context Array | Petra | Dennis Schunselaar |
Import Process Tree Environment Context from PTECF file | Import | Import Process Tree Environment Context from PTECF file | Petra | Dennis Schunselaar |
Import Process tree from PTML file | Import | Import Process tree from PTML file | ProcessTree | J.C.A.M. Buijs, B.F. van Dongen, D.M.M. Schunselaar, and H.M.W. Verbeek |
Import Process Tree Originator Context Array | Import | Import Process Tree Originator Context Array | Petra | Dennis Schunselaar |
Import Process Tree Originator Context from PTOCF file | Import | Import Process Tree Originator Context from PTOCF file | Petra | Dennis Schunselaar |
Import Process Tree Simulation Context Array | Import | Import Process Tree Simulation Context Array | Petra | Dennis Schunselaar |
Import Process Tree Simulation Context from PTSCF file | Import | Import Process Tree Simulation Context from PTSCF file | Petra | Dennis Schunselaar |
Import ProM Declare Model | Import | Import ProM Declare Model | DeclareMinerVisualizer | Fabrizio Maggi |
Import PT Pareto front from Pareto file | Import | Import PT Pareto front from Pareto file | EvolutionaryTreeMiner | Joos Buijs |
Import Replay Result Array from RRA file | Import | Import Replay Result Array from RRA file | LogAlignment | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Import Reset net from PNML file | Import | Import Reset net from PNML file | PetriNets | H.M.W. Verbeek, S.J. van Zelst |
Import Reset/Inhibitor net from PNML file | Import | Import Reset/Inhibitor net from PNML file | PetriNets | H.M.W. Verbeek, S.J. van Zelst |
Import Static Event Stream | Import | Import Static Event Stream | EventStream | A. Burattin, S.J. van Zelst |
Import Stochastic Petri Nets from PNML file | Import | Import Stochastic Petri Nets from PNML file | StochasticPetriNets | Andreas Rogge-Solti |
Import Strictly Conforming Log from Compressed IEEE XES Log File | Import | Import Strictly Conforming Log from Compressed IEEE XES Log File | XESStandardConnector | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Import Strictly Conforming Log from IEEE XES Log File | Import | Import Strictly Conforming Log from IEEE XES Log File | XESStandardConnector | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Import Transition system from TSML file | Import | Import Transition system from TSML file | TransitionSystems | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Import XEvent Classifiers list form event log | Import | Import XEvent Classifiers list form event log | Log | H.M.W. Verbeek, F. Mannhardt, S.J. van Zelst |
Import XOC log (.xoc) | Import | Import XOC log (.xoc) | OCBC | Guanming Li |
Import YAWL Specification from YAWL file | Import | Import YAWL Specification from YAWL file | PTConversions | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Import YAWL Specification from YAWL file | Import | Import YAWL Specification from YAWL file | ProcessTree | J.C.A.M. Buijs, B.F. van Dongen, D.M.M. Schunselaar, and H.M.W. Verbeek |
Inductive Miner IMf Wrapper | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | BPMNMiner | Raffaele Conforti |
Inductive visual Miner | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | InductiveVisualMiner | S.J.J. Leemans |
Inductive visual Miner | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | InductiveVisualMiner | SJJ Leemans |
Inductive visual Miner | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | InductiveVisualMiner | S.J.J. Leemans |
Infer Case ID | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | CSVImporter | A. A. Andaloussi, A. Burattin, B. Weber |
Infer Case ID | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | CSVImporter | A. A. Andaloussi, A. Burattin, B. Weber |
Inhibitor Semantics Provider | PetriNets | H.M.W. Verbeek, S.J. van Zelst | ||
Initial Marking Connection Factory | PetriNets | H.M.W. Verbeek, S.J. van Zelst | ||
Insert Comprehension phases in Cheetah log | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | PPM | Jan Claes |
Insert Comprehension phases in Cheetah log | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | PPM | Jan Claes |
instance EPC to Configurable EPC | QualityMetrics | Daniel Braunnagel, Christoph Rathgeber, Lukas Kovacovic, and Reinhold Tausch | ||
instance EPC to EPC | QualityMetrics | Daniel Braunnagel, Christoph Rathgeber, Lukas Kovacovic, and Reinhold Tausch | ||
Instant Discovery with Inductive Miner | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | DatabaseInductiveMiner | A. Syamsiyah |
Instantiate Process Tree with a Configuration | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | ProcessTree | D.M.M. Schunselaar |
Instantiate Process Tree with a Configuration | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | ProcessTree | D.M.M. Schunselaar |
Inter-Level Alignment Visualization | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | Security | X. Lu and M. Alizadeh |
Inter-Level Replayer | Plug-in variant | Use Variant Name | Security | |
Interactive Data-aware Heuristic Miner | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | DataAwareCNetMiner | F. Mannhardt |
Interactive Data-aware Heuristic Miner | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | DataAwareCNetMiner | F. Mannhardt |
Interactive Data-aware Heuristic Miner | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | DataAwareCNetMiner | F. Mannhardt |
Interactive Data-aware Heuristic Miner (iDHM) | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | DataAwareCNetMiner | F. Mannhardt |
Interactive Data-aware Heuristic Miner (iDHM) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | DataAwareCNetMiner | F. Mannhardt |
Interactive Petri Net Visualizer Conformance | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | InteractiveProcessMining | Alok Dixit |
Interactive Relabeling | Plug-in variant | Use Variant Name | TraceMatching | |
LAL export (Log Alignment) | Export | LAL export (Log Alignment) | LogAlignment | H.M.W. Verbeek |
LALA export (Log Alignment Array) | Export | LALA export (Log Alignment Array) | LogAlignment | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Leemans Episode miner | Plug-in variant | Use Variant Name | EpisodeMiner | M. Leemans |
Load Annotation Filter | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | StochasticPetriNets | A. Rogge-Solti |
Load Annotation Filter | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | StochasticPetriNets | A. Rogge-Solti |
Load Compliance Rule from Repository | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | Compliance | Dirk Fahland |
Load CPN Model from CPN Tools | Plug-in variant | Load CPN Model from CPN Tools | CPNet | M. Westergaard |
Load CPN XES File (including all data values) | Import | Load CPN XES File (including all data values) | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Load SPMF data file | Import | Load SPMF data file | LocalProcessModelDiscovery | Niek Tax |
Local Online Conformance Checker | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | StreamConformance | A. Burattin |
Local Online Conformance Checker | Visualizer | Online Conformance Checker | StreamConformance | S.J. van Zelst and A. Burattin |
Local Online Conformance Checker | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | StreamConformance | A. Burattin |
local-test | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | StreamConformance | A. Burattin |
local-test | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | StreamConformance | A. Burattin |
Log Abstraction – Abstract Log based on Patterns | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Log Abstraction – Replace Abstracted Transitions by Patterns (DPN) | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Log Abstraction – Replace Abstracted Transitions by Patterns (DPN) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Log Abstraction – Replace Abstracted Transitions by Patterns (Reduced-PN) | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Log Abstraction – Replace Abstracted Transitions by Patterns (Reduced-PN) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Log Abstraction Connection Factory | LogAbstractions | H.M.W. Verbeek, B.F. van Dongen, S.J. van Zelst, L.M.A. Tonnaer | ||
Log collection visualization | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | ProcessLogGenerator | A. Burattin |
Log Comparison Visualizer | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Log Filtering | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LogFiltering | R.P. Jagadeesh Chandra ‘JC’ Bose |
Log Flexible Model Connection Factory | FlexReplayer | Arya Adriansyah | ||
Log Pattern Explorer | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | LogPatternExplorer | |
Log Pattern Explorer | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | LogPatternExplorer | X. Lu |
Log Pattern Explorer | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LogPatternExplorer | |
Log Relabel Experiment | Plug-in variant | Use Variant Name | TraceMatching | X. Lu |
Log Relabeling | Plug-in variant | Use Variant Name | TraceMatching | |
Log Skeleton Browser | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | LogSkeleton | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Log Skeleton Browser | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LogSkeleton | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Log Skeleton Filter and Browser | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | LogSkeleton | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Log Skeleton Filter and Browser | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LogSkeleton | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Log SPD Connection Factory | Performance | A. Adriansyah | ||
Log Stream Visualizer | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | StreamHeuristicsMiner | A. Burattin |
Log Stream Visualizer | Visualizer | Log Stream Visualizer | StreamHeuristicsMiner | A. Burattin, S.J. van Zelst |
Log Stream Visualizer | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | StreamHeuristicsMiner | A. Burattin |
Log Streamer | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | StreamHeuristicsMiner | A. Burattin |
Log Streamer | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | StreamHeuristicsMiner | A. Burattin |
Log Summary | Visualizer | Log Summary | Log | H.M.W. Verbeek, F. Mannhardt, S.J. van Zelst |
Log Transition | Cosimulation | M. Westergaard | ||
Log visualizer | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | Log | H.M.W. Verbeek, F. Mannhardt, S.J. van Zelst |
Log with AlignmentExtension | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | DataAwareReplayer | Massimiliano de Leoni, Felix Mannhardt |
Log with AlignmentExtension (Grouped) | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | DataAwareReplayer | Massimiliano de Leoni, Felix Mannhardt |
Log yawl net connection factory | YAWL | H.M.W. Verbeek | ||
Log/Petrinet connection factory | PetriNets | H.M.W. Verbeek, S.J. van Zelst | ||
Logs Merger | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | StreamHeuristicsMiner | A. Burattin |
Logs Merger | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | StreamHeuristicsMiner | A. Burattin |
LTL Checker | Plug-in variant | LTL Checker Default | LTLChecker | F.M. Maggi |
LTL Checker | Plug-in variant | LTL Checker | LTLChecker | F.M. Maggi |
LTL Checker Visualization | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | LTLChecker | F. M. Maggi |
Make Local Process Model Ranking Closed | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LocalProcessModelConformance | N. Tax |
Make Log Per Non-Dominated Alphabet | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LocalProcessModelConformance | N. Tax |
Make timestamps relative | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | SimpleLogOperations | Jan Claes |
Make timestamps relative | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | SimpleLogOperations | Jan Claes |
Make transitions silent and remove +complete | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | InteractiveProcessMining | P.M. Dixit |
Manipulate log | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | ComplianceFramework | V. Gromov |
Manipulate log | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | ComplianceFramework | V. Gromov |
Maps Comparator Visualization | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | LTLChecker | F. M. Maggi |
Maps Comparator Visualization | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | DeclareMiner | F. M. Maggi |
MapsComparator | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LTLChecker | F.M. Maggi |
MapsComparator | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | DeclareMiner | F.M. Maggi |
Matching Framework | Plug-in variant | Use Variant Name | TraceMatching | |
Matrix Filter | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LogFiltering | Mohammadreza |
Matrix Filter (Simple) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LogFiltering | Mohammadreza |
Measure Precision/Generalization | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | PNetAlignmentAnalysis | Arya Adriansyah |
Measure Time/Memory Performance | StreamAnalysis | S.J. van Zelst | || to Event Stream Converter (JSON) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | EventStream | S.J. van Zelst |
Merge Accepting Petri Nets | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | AcceptingPetriNet | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Merge Automatic Map Generator Files | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LogOnMapReplay | N.gupta |
Merge event logs | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | ContextAwarePerformance | B.F.A. Hompes |
Merge Identical Trace Variants | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LocalProcessModelConformance | N. Tax |
Merge Log Alignments | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LogAlignment | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Merge logs | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | Log | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Merge Loop | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LocalProcessModelConformance | N. Tax |
Merge Parallel | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LocalProcessModelConformance | N. Tax |
Merge Process Trees Activity Map | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | PTMerge | D.M.M. Schunselaar |
Merge Process Trees Activity Map | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | PTMerge | D.M.M. Schunselaar |
Merge Process Trees Activity Map (PTA) | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | PTMerge | D.M.M. Schunselaar |
Merge Process Trees Activity Map (PTA) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | PTMerge | D.M.M. Schunselaar |
Merge Process Trees Extended Map | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | PTMerge | D.M.M. Schunselaar |
Merge Process Trees Extended Map | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | PTMerge | D.M.M. Schunselaar |
Merge Process Trees Extended Map (PTA) | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | PTMerge | D.M.M. Schunselaar |
Merge Process Trees Extended Map (PTA) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | PTMerge | D.M.M. Schunselaar |
Merge subsequent events (AAABB -> AB) | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Merge subsequent events (AAABB -> AB) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Merge traces based on attribute (In place) | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Merge traces based on attribute (In place) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Mine a collection of logs with Heuristics Miner (PLG) | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | ProcessLogGenerator | A. Burattin |
Mine a collection of logs with Heuristics Miner (PLG) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | ProcessLogGenerator | A. Burattin |
Mine a Hybrid Process Model in Hadoop | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | HybridModel | Long Cheng |
Mine a Hybrid Process Model in Hadoop | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | HybridModel | Long Cheng |
Mine a Process Tree with ETMd | Plug-in variant | Mine a Process Tree with ETMd | EvolutionaryTreeMiner | J.C.A.M.Buijs |
Mine a Process Tree with ETMd | Plug-in variant | Mine Configured Process Tree with ETMc | EvolutionaryTreeMiner | J.C.A.M.Buijs |
Mine a Process Tree with ETMd | Plug-in variant | Mine a Process Tree with ETMr | EvolutionaryTreeMiner | J.C.A.M.Buijs |
Mine a Process Tree with ETMd using parameters and classifier | EvolutionaryTreeMiner | Joos Buijs | ||
Mine accepting Petri net with Inductive Miner | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | InductiveMiner | S.J.J. Leemans |
Mine accepting Petri net with Inductive Miner | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | InductiveMiner | S.J.J. Leemans |
Mine Best Log Model Pair Based On Trust | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | GeneralizedConformance | A. Rogge-Solti |
Mine Best Log Model Pair Based On Trust | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | GeneralizedConformance | A. Rogge-Solti |
Mine BPMN Using HeuristicsMiner of Prom5.2 | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | BPMNMiner | Raffaele Conforti |
Mine Causal Graph (Heuristic Miner, Event Classifier Aware) | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | HybridILPMiner | F. Mannhardt, S.J. van Zelst |
Mine Causal Graph (Heuristic Miner, Event Classifier Aware) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | HybridILPMiner | F. Mannhardt, S.J. van Zelst |
Mine efficient tree with Inductive Miner | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | InductiveMiner | S.J.J. Leemans |
Mine efficient tree with Inductive Miner | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | InductiveMiner | S.J.J. Leemans |
Mine efficient tree with Indulpet Miner | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | IndulpetMiner | S.J.J. Leemans, J.C.A.M. Buijs, N. Tax |
Mine efficient tree with Indulpet Miner | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | IndulpetMiner | S.J.J. Leemans, J.C.A.M. Buijs, N. Tax |
Mine efficient tree with Indulpet Miner – bottom-up only | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | IndulpetMiner | S.J.J. Leemans, J.C.A.M. Buijs, N. Tax |
Mine efficient tree with Indulpet Miner – bottom-up only | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | IndulpetMiner | S.J.J. Leemans, J.C.A.M. Buijs, N. Tax |
Mine efficient tree with Indulpet Miner – ETM only | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | IndulpetMiner | S.J.J. Leemans, J.C.A.M. Buijs, N. Tax |
Mine efficient tree with Indulpet Miner – ETM only | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | IndulpetMiner | S.J.J. Leemans, J.C.A.M. Buijs, N. Tax |
Mine efficient tree with Indulpet Miner – IM+bottom-up only | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | IndulpetMiner | S.J.J. Leemans, J.C.A.M. Buijs, N. Tax |
Mine efficient tree with Indulpet Miner – IM+bottom-up only | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | IndulpetMiner | S.J.J. Leemans, J.C.A.M. Buijs, N. Tax |
Mine efficient tree with Indulpet Miner – LPM only | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | IndulpetMiner | S.J.J. Leemans, J.C.A.M. Buijs, N. Tax |
Mine efficient tree with Indulpet Miner – LPM only | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | IndulpetMiner | S.J.J. Leemans, J.C.A.M. Buijs, N. Tax |
Mine for a Causal Net using Heuristics Miner (BPMNAnalysis) | BPMNAnalysis | Anna Kalenkova | ||
Mine for a Heuristics Net using Heuristics Miner | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | HeuristicsMiner | A.J.M.M. Weijters |
Mine for a Heuristics Net using Heuristics Miner (BPMNAnalysis) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | BPMNAnalysis | A.J.M.M. Weijters |
Mine Fuzzy Model | Plug-in variant | Mine for a Fuzzy Model | Fuzzy | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Mine Hybrid Model | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | Hybrid | D.M.M. Schunselaar |
Mine Hybrid Model | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | Hybrid | D.M.M. Schunselaar |
Mine Local Process Models | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | LocalProcessModelDiscovery | N. Tax |
Mine Local Process Models | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | LocalProcessModelDiscovery | Niek Tax |
Mine Local Process Models | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LocalProcessModelDiscovery | N. Tax |
Mine overfitting Petri Net Model | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | StochasticPetriNets | A. Rogge-Solti |
Mine overfitting Petri Net Model | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | StochasticPetriNets | A. Rogge-Solti |
Mine Pareto front with ETMc | Plug-in | Mine Pareto front with ETMc | EvolutionaryTreeMiner | J.C.A.M.Buijs |
Mine Pareto front with ETMc | Plug-in variant | Mine Pareto front with ETMc | EvolutionaryTreeMiner | J.C.A.M.Buijs |
Mine Pareto front with ETMc in Live mode | Plug-in | Mine Pareto front with ETMc in Live mode | EvolutionaryTreeMiner | J.C.A.M.Buijs |
Mine Pareto front with ETMc in Live mode | Plug-in variant | Mine Pareto front with ETMc in Live mode | EvolutionaryTreeMiner | J.C.A.M.Buijs |
Mine Pareto front with ETMd | Plug-in variant | Mine Pareto front with ETMd | EvolutionaryTreeMiner | J.C.A.M.Buijs |
Mine Pareto front with ETMd | Plug-in variant | Mine Pareto front with ETMr | EvolutionaryTreeMiner | J.C.A.M.Buijs |
Mine Pareto front with ETMd in Live mode | Plug-in | Mine Pareto front with ETMd in Live mode | EvolutionaryTreeMiner | J.C.A.M.Buijs |
Mine Pareto front with ETMd in Live mode | Plug-in variant | Mine Pareto front with ETMd in Live mode | EvolutionaryTreeMiner | J.C.A.M.Buijs |
Mine Pareto front with ETMr in Live mode | Plug-in | Mine Pareto front with ETMr in Live mode | EvolutionaryTreeMiner | J.C.A.M.Buijs |
Mine Pareto front with ETMr in Live mode | Plug-in variant | Mine Pareto front with ETMr in Live mode | EvolutionaryTreeMiner | J.C.A.M.Buijs |
Mine Petri net using Flower Miner | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | InductiveMinerDeprecated | S.J.J. Leemans |
Mine Petri net using regions | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LocalizedLogs | A. Kalenkova |
Mine Petri net with Inductive Miner | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | InductiveMinerDeprecated | S.J.J. Leemans |
Mine Petri net with Inductive Miner | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | InductiveMinerDeprecated | S.J.J. Leemans |
Mine Petri net with Inductive Miner, with parameters | InductiveMinerDeprecated | SJJ Leemans | ||
Mine Petri Net with Split Miner | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LocalProcessModelConformance | N. Tax |
Mine process tree using Flower Miner – directly follows | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | InductiveMinerDeprecated | S.J.J. Leemans |
Mine process tree using Flower Miner – directly follows | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | InductiveMinerDeprecated | S.J.J. Leemans |
Mine Process tree using Tau Miner | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | InductiveMinerDeprecated | S.J.J. Leemans |
Mine Process tree using Trace Miner | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | InductiveMinerDeprecated | S.J.J. Leemans |
Mine process tree with Inductive Miner | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | InductiveMinerDeprecated | S.J.J. Leemans |
Mine process tree with Inductive Miner | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | InductiveMinerDeprecated | S.J.J. Leemans |
Mine process tree with Inductive Miner – directly follows | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | InductiveMinerDeprecated | S.J.J. Leemans |
Mine process tree with Inductive Miner – directly follows | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | InductiveMinerDeprecated | S.J.J. Leemans |
Mine Process tree with Inductive Miner, with parameters | InductiveMinerDeprecated | SJJ Leemans | ||
Mine result collection visualization | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | ProcessLogGenerator | A. Burattin |
Mine SPD Model | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | Performance | B.F. van Dongen |
Mine Split Miner Models for Log Episodes | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LocalProcessModelConformance | N. Tax |
Mine stochastic Petri net from log | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | StochasticPetriNets | A. Solti |
Mine stochastic Petri net from log | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | StochasticPetriNets | A. Solti |
Mine Temporal Model | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | StochasticPetriNets | A. Rogge-Solti |
Mine Temporal Model | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | StochasticPetriNets | A. Rogge-Solti |
Mine Transition System | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | TransitionSystems | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Mine with Inductive visual Miner | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | InductiveVisualMiner | S.J.J. Leemans |
Mine with Inductive visual Miner | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | InductiveVisualMiner | S.J.J. Leemans |
MINERful Declare Miner | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | DeclareMinerFul | M.H.M. Schouten, C. Di Ciccio |
Minimal Region Extractor | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | TSPetrinet | B.F. van Dongen |
Minimal Region Extractor | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | TSPetrinet | B.F. van Dongen |
Model Projected with Alignments | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | PNetAlignmentAnalysis | B.F. van Dongen |
Model Projected with Alignments | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | MixedParadigm | B.F. van Dongen |
Modify Clusters | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | ActivityClusterArrayCreator | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Modify Matrix | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | CausalActivityMatrix | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Mollify Transition System | TransitionSystems | H.M.W. Verbeek | ||
Monitor Transition | Cosimulation | M. Westergaard | ||
Move an attribute between events (In place) | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Move an attribute between events (In place) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Move trace level attributes from events to trace (in place) | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Move trace level attributes from events to trace (in place) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Move trace level attributes from events to trace (not in place) | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Move trace level attributes from events to trace (not in place) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Multi-perspective Process Explorer | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | DataAwareExplorer | F. Mannhardt |
Multi-perspective Process Explorer – Fitness View | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | DataAwareExplorer | F. Mannhardt |
Multi-perspective Process Explorer – Fitness View | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | DataAwareExplorer | F. Mannhardt |
Multi-perspective Process Explorer – Performance View | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | DataAwareExplorer | F. Mannhardt |
Multi-perspective Process Explorer – Performance View | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | DataAwareExplorer | F. Mannhardt |
Multi-perspective Process Explorer – Precision View | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | DataAwareExplorer | F. Mannhardt |
Multi-perspective Process Explorer – Precision View | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | DataAwareExplorer | F. Mannhardt |
MultiETCResult Visualizer | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | ETConformance | J. Munoz-Gama |
Multiperspective Miner | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | MultiPerspectiveMiner | Prompt |
Multiperspective Miner | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | MultiPerspectiveMiner | Prompt |
Multiperspective Model (.mpm) | Import | Multiperspective Model (.mpm) | MultiPerspectiveMiner | A. Kalenkova, A. Burattin |
Multiperspective Model (.mpm) | Export | Multiperspective Model (.mpm) | MultiPerspectiveMiner | A. Kalenkova, A. Burattin |
My Hello World Plugin | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | ProM-Plugins | My name |
My Hello World Plugin | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | ProM-Plugins | My name |
Not Another Workflow Language | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | OperationalSupport | M. Westergaard |
OCBC conformance checking | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | OCBC | Guangming Li |
OCBC conformance checking | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | OCBC | Guangming Li |
OCBC conformance checking visualizer | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | OCBC | Guanming Li |
OCBC Editor Object Visualizer | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | OCBC | Guanming Li |
OCBC Model Discovery (Customized Metric Weights) | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | OCBC | Guangming Li |
OCBC Model Discovery (Customized Metric Weights) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | OCBC | Guangming Li |
OCBC Model Discovery (Perfect Fitness) | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | OCBC | Guangming Li |
OCBC Model Discovery (Perfect Fitness) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | OCBC | Guangming Li |
OCBC Model Editor | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | OCBC | Guangming Li |
OCBC Model Editor | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | OCBC | Guangming Li |
OCBC Model Inspector | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | OCBC | Guangming Li |
OCBC Model Inspector | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | OCBC | Guangming Li |
OCBC Model Visualizer | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | OCBC | Guanming Li |
Offline Conformance – Local behavior | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | StreamConformance | A. Burattin |
Offline Conformance – Local behavior | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | StreamConformance | A. Burattin |
Online Conformance – Local behavior | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | StreamConformance | A. Burattin |
Online Conformance – Region-based approach | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | StreamConformance | A. Burattin |
Online Conformance Checker | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | StreamConformance | A. Burattin |
Online Conformance Checker | Visualizer | Online Conformance Checker | StreamConformance | S.J. van Zelst and A. Burattin |
Online Conformance Checker | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | StreamConformance | A. Burattin |
Online Conformance Tester | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | StreamConformance | A. Burattin |
Online Conformance Tester | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | StreamConformance | A. Burattin |
Online Replayer | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | OnlineConformance | B.F. van Dongen |
Open CNet file | Import | Open CNet file | CNet | Felix Mannhardt, Arya Adriansyah |
Open Flexible model file | Import | Open Flexible model file | Flex | A. Adriansyah |
Open Map Visualization File | Import | Open Map Visualization File | LogOnMapReplay | Massimiliano de Leoni |
Open Petrify .g file | Import | Open Petrify .g file | Petrify | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Open Petrify .sg file | Import | Open Petrify .sg file | Petrify | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Open replayed visualization | Import | Open replayed visualization | LogOnMapReplay | Massimiliano de Leoni |
Open TPN file | Import | Open TPN file | PetriNets | H.M.W. Verbeek, S.J. van Zelst |
Open XES Log File | Log | H.M.W. Verbeek, F. Mannhardt, S.J. van Zelst | ||
Open XES Log File (Naive) | Import | Open XES Log File (Naive) | Log | H.M.W. Verbeek, F. Mannhardt, S.J. van Zelst |
Open XES Log File (XESLite – Automaton (read only, concept:name only)) | Import | Open XES Log File (XESLite – Automaton (read only, concept:name only)) | XESLite | F. Mannhardt |
Open XES Log File (XESLite – In-Memory (slow random access)) | Import | Open XES Log File (XESLite – In-Memory (slow random access)) | XESLite | F. Mannhardt |
Open XES Log File (XESLite – MapDB (no cache)) | Import | Open XES Log File (XESLite – MapDB (no cache)) | XESLite | F. Mannhardt |
Open XES Log File (XESLite – MapDB (slow random access)) | Import | Open XES Log File (XESLite – MapDB (slow random access)) | XESLite | F. Mannhardt |
Open XES Log File (XESLite – MapDB) | Import | Open XES Log File (XESLite – MapDB) | XESLite | F. Mannhardt |
Open XES Log File (XESLite – Sequential XIDs) | Import | Open XES Log File (XESLite – Sequential XIDs) | XESLite | F. Mannhardt |
Operational Support Annotation Provider | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | TransitionSystems | M. Pesic |
Operational Support Client | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | OperationalSupport | M. Westergaard |
Operational Support Service | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | OSService | B.F. van Dongen |
Operational Support Service Manager | OSService | M. Westergaard | ||
Originator Log Filter | Log | H.M.W. Verbeek, F. Mannhardt, S.J. van Zelst | ||
Outlier Visualizer | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | StochasticPetriNets | Andreas Rogge-Solti |
Overview | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | OperationalSupport | M. Westergaard |
Pack Petri net | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | AcceptingPetriNet | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Pareto front of PT export | Export | Pareto front of PT export | EvolutionaryTreeMiner | Joos Buijs |
Partial Advanced Replayer | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | PartialOrderReplayer | Xixi Lu |
Partial Aware Replay | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | PartialOrderReplayer | Xixi Lu |
Partial Order Aware Alignment Checker | Plug-in variant | Use Variant Name | PlanningBasedAlignment | Giacomo Lanciano |
Partial Order Maker | Plug-in variant | Use Variant Name | PlanningBasedAlignment | Giacomo Lanciano |
Partial Order Statistics | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | PlanningBasedAlignment | Giacomo Lanciano |
Partial Visualize Case Replay Result | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | FlexReplayer | Arya Adriansyah |
Pattern Abstractions (New) | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | PatternAbstractions | J.C Bose |
PDC 2016 Test | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LogSkeleton | H.M.W. Verbeek |
PDC 2017 Log 1 Filter | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LogSkeleton | H.M.W. Verbeek |
PDC 2017 Log 10 Filter | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LogSkeleton | H.M.W. Verbeek |
PDC 2017 Log 10 Splitter | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LogSkeleton | H.M.W. Verbeek |
PDC 2017 Log 2 Filter | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LogSkeleton | H.M.W. Verbeek |
PDC 2017 Log 2 Splitter | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LogSkeleton | H.M.W. Verbeek |
PDC 2017 Log 4 Splitter | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LogSkeleton | H.M.W. Verbeek |
PDC 2017 Log 5 Filter | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LogSkeleton | H.M.W. Verbeek |
PDC 2017 Log 5 Splitter | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LogSkeleton | H.M.W. Verbeek |
PDC 2017 Log 7 Splitter | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LogSkeleton | H.M.W. Verbeek |
PDC 2017 Log 9 Filter | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LogSkeleton | H.M.W. Verbeek |
PDC 2017 Log 9 Splitter | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LogSkeleton | H.M.W. Verbeek |
PDC 2017 Test | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LogSkeleton | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Perform a simple simulation of a (stochastic) Petri net | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | StochasticPetriNets | A. Rogge-Solti |
Perform a simple simulation of a (stochastic) Petri net | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | StochasticPetriNets | A. Rogge-Solti |
Perform Predictions of Business Process Features | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | FeaturePrediction | Massimiliano de Leoni |
Performance Mining With Staged Process Flows | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | StagedProcessFlows | Hoang Nguyen |
Performance Projection to Model | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | PNetAlignmentAnalysis | B.F. van Dongen |
Performance Result Visualizer | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | PetriNetReplayAnalysis | Giorgio Spagnolo (spagnolo@…), Roberto Guanciale (guancio@…), et all. |
Performance Result Visualizer | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | PetriNetReplayAnalysis | R.Guanciale,G.Spagnolo et al. |
Petra (Configurable) Model GUI | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | Petra | D.M.M. Schunselaar |
Petra (Configurable) Model GUI | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | Petra | D.M.M. Schunselaar |
Petra (Configurable) Model GUI ParetoFront | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | Petra | D.M.M. Schunselaar |
Petra (Configurable) Model GUI ParetoFront | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | Petra | D.M.M. Schunselaar |
Petra List of Models | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | Petra | D.M.M. Schunselaar |
Petra List of Models | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | Petra | D.M.M. Schunselaar |
Petra List of Models ParetoFront | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | Petra | D.M.M. Schunselaar |
Petra List of Models ParetoFront | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | Petra | D.M.M. Schunselaar |
Petri net editor with alignment and predictor view | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | InteractiveProcessMining | P.M. Dixit |
Petri net editor with alignment view | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | InteractiveProcessMining | P.M. Dixit |
Petri net editor with log heuristics information | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | InteractiveProcessMining | P.M. Dixit |
Petri net editor with predictor view (ProDiGy) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | InteractiveProcessMining | P.M. Dixit |
Petri net generato124r | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | InteractiveProcessMining | P.M. Dixit |
Petri net generato13r | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | InteractiveProcessMining | P.M. Dixit |
Petri net generato22r | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | InteractiveProcessMining | P.M. Dixit |
Petri net List Export (.pnlist) | Export | Petri net List Export (.pnlist) | PetriNets | H.M.W. Verbeek, S.J. van Zelst |
Petri net to Extended Coverability graph 2 | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | StreamConformance | A. Burattin |
Petri net to Extended Coverability graph 2 | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | StreamConformance | A. Burattin |
Petrify export (sg file) | Export | Petrify export (sg file) | Petrify | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Petrinet Log Connection Factory | PetriNetReplayAnalysis | Giorgio Spagnolo (spagnolo@…), Roberto Guanciale (guancio@…), et all. | ||
Petrinet Semantics Provider | PetriNets | H.M.W. Verbeek, S.J. van Zelst | ||
Petrinet with compare | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | InteractiveProcessMining | P.M. Dixit |
Planning-based Alignment of Event Logs and Petri Nets | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | PlanningBasedAlignment | Giacomo Lanciano |
PLG Log generator | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | ProcessLogGenerator | A. Burattin |
PLG Log generator | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | ProcessLogGenerator | A. Burattin |
PLG Process generator | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | ProcessLogGenerator | A. Burattin |
PLG Process generator | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | ProcessLogGenerator | A. Burattin |
PN Conformace Analysis | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | PetriNetReplayAnalysis | R.Guanciale,G.Spagnolo et al. |
PN Performance Analysis | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | PetriNetReplayAnalysis | R.Guanciale,G.Spagnolo et al. |
PN to dot | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | InteractiveProcessMining | Alok Dixit |
PN to dot | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | InteractiveProcessMining | P.M. Dixit |
PNML export (Accepting Petri Net) | Export | PNML export (Accepting Petri Net) | AcceptingPetriNet | H.M.W. Verbeek |
PNML export (Petri net) | Export | PNML export (Petri net) | StochasticPetriNets | Andreas Rogge-Solti |
PNML export (Petri net) | Export | PNML export (Petri net) | PetriNets | H.M.W. Verbeek, S.J. van Zelst |
POC | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | ContextAwarePerformance | B.F.A. Hompes |
PPMChart Analysis | Plug-in variant | PPMChart Analysis | PPM | Jan Claes |
PPMChart Visualization | Visualizer | PPMChart Visualization | PPM | Jan Claes |
Pre-process an event log for life cycle mining | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | InductiveMinerDeprecated | S.J.J. Leemans |
Pre-process an event log for life cycle mining | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | InductiveMinerDeprecated | S.J.J. Leemans |
Precision of DPN | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | DataAwareReplayer | F. Mannhardt |
Precision of DPN (Use Aligned Log) | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | DataAwareReplayer | F. Mannhardt |
Precision of DPN (Use Aligned Log) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | DataAwareReplayer | F. Mannhardt |
Precision Visualizer | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | GeneralizedConformance | Andreas Rogge-Solti |
Predict duration by Simulation | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | StochasticPetriNets | A. Rogge-Solti |
Predict duration by Simulation | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | StochasticPetriNets | A. Rogge-Solti |
Predict duration by Simulation (Simulated Experiment) | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | StochasticPetriNets | A. Rogge-Solti |
Predict duration by Simulation (Simulated Experiment) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | StochasticPetriNets | A. Rogge-Solti |
Predict durations (Real Experiment) | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | StochasticPetriNets | A. Rogge-Solti |
Predict durations (Real Experiment) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | StochasticPetriNets | A. Rogge-Solti |
Prediction | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | FeaturePrediction | Massimiliano |
Prediction | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | FeaturePrediction | Massimiliano de Leoni |
Prediction | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | FeaturePrediction | Massimiliano |
Prediction | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | DataPetriNets | Massimiliano |
Prediction | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | DataPetriNets | Massimiliano de Leoni |
Prediction | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | DataPetriNets | Massimiliano |
Prepare Durations for Correlation Testing | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | StochasticPetriNets | A. Rogge-Solti |
Prepare Durations for Correlation Testing | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | StochasticPetriNets | A. Rogge-Solti |
Preprocess BPI’13 Log | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LocalProcessModelDiscovery | N. Tax |
Preprocess BPI’14 Incidents Log | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LocalProcessModelDiscovery | N. Tax |
Preprocess BPI’14 Incidents Log v2 | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LocalProcessModelDiscovery | N. Tax |
Preprocess BPI’14 Incidents Log v3 | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LocalProcessModelDiscovery | N. Tax |
Preprocess CoSeLoG (Due Date) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LocalProcessModelDiscovery | N. Tax |
Preprocess CoSeLoG (planned) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LocalProcessModelDiscovery | N. Tax |
Preprocess log | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | Swimlanes | PROMPT workgroup |
Preprocess log | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | Swimlanes | PROMPT workgroup |
Preprocess log – Hierarcy heuristics | Plug-in variant | Use Variant Name | Statechart | M. Leemans |
Preprocess Model | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | Swimlanes | PROMPT workgroup |
Preprocess Model | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | Swimlanes | PROMPT workgroup |
Preprocess Road Fine with remaining_amount | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LocalProcessModelDiscovery | Niek Tax |
Preprocess Van Kasteren with Location | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LocalProcessModelDiscovery | N. Tax |
Process Comparator | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | ProcessComparator | Alfredo Bolt |
Process model visualization | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | ProcessLogGenerator | A. Burattin |
Process models collection visualization | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | ProcessLogGenerator | A. Burattin |
Process Profiler 3D: Analyse Place Alignment | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | ProcessProfiler3D | Erik Poppe |
Process Profiler 3D: Analyse Place Alignment | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | ProcessProfiler3D | Erik Poppe |
Process Profiler 3D: Configure Transition Visibility for Hierarchical Net | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | ProcessProfiler3D | Erik Poppe |
Process Profiler 3D: Configure Transition Visibility for Hierarchical Net | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | ProcessProfiler3D | Erik Poppe |
Process Profiler 3D: Copy LocalNodeIDs | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | ProcessProfiler3D | Erik Poppe |
Process Profiler 3D: Copy LocalNodeIDs | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | ProcessProfiler3D | Erik Poppe |
Process Profiler 3D: Expand Model with Event Lifecycle | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | ProcessProfiler3D | Erik Poppe |
Process Profiler 3D: Expand Model with Event Lifecycle | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | ProcessProfiler3D | Erik Poppe |
Process Profiler 3D: Flatten Hierarchical Model | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | ProcessProfiler3D | Erik Poppe |
Process Profiler 3D: Flatten Hierarchical Model | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | ProcessProfiler3D | Erik Poppe |
Process Profiler 3D: Generate Performance Profile | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | ProcessProfiler3D | Erik Poppe |
Process Profiler 3D: Generate Performance Profile | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | ProcessProfiler3D | Erik Poppe |
Process Profiler 3D: Generate Performance Profile 1 | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | ProcessProfiler3D | Jingxin Xu, Erik Poppe |
Process Profiler 3D: Generate Performance Profile 1 | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | ProcessProfiler3D | Jingxin Xu, Erik Poppe |
Process Profiler 3D: Generate Performance Profile 2 | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | ProcessProfiler3D | Erik Poppe |
Process Profiler 3D: Generate Performance Profile 2 | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | ProcessProfiler3D | Erik Poppe |
Process Profiler 3D: Generate Performance Profile 3 | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | ProcessProfiler3D | Erik Poppe |
Process Profiler 3D: Generate Performance Profile 3 | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | ProcessProfiler3D | Erik Poppe |
Process Profiler 3D: Log Preprocessing | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | ProcessProfiler3D | Erik Poppe |
Process Profiler 3D: Log Preprocessing | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | ProcessProfiler3D | Erik Poppe |
Process Profiler 3D: Merge Performance Profiles | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | ProcessProfiler3D | Erik Poppe |
Process Profiler 3D: Merge Performance Profiles | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | ProcessProfiler3D | Erik Poppe |
Process Profiler 3D: Mining Resource Patterns from Event Log | Plug-in variant | Process Profiler 3D: Mining Resource Patterns from Event Log | ProcessProfiler3D | Jingxin Xu |
Process Profiler 3D: Mining Resource Patterns from Event Log v2 | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | ProcessProfiler3D | Erik Poppe |
Process Profiler 3D: Mining Resource Patterns from Event Log v2 | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | ProcessProfiler3D | Erik Poppe |
Process Profiler 3D: Test 3D | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | Visualisation3D | Erik Poppe |
Process Profiler 3D: Test 3D | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | Visualisation3D | Erik Poppe |
Process Profiler 3D: Visualize Model | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | ProcessProfiler3D | Erik Poppe |
Process Profiler 3D: Visualize Model | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | ProcessProfiler3D | Erik Poppe |
Process Profiler 3D: Visualize Model | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | ProcessProfiler3D | Erik Poppe |
Process Profiler 3D: Visualize Performance Profile | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | ProcessProfiler3D | Erik Poppe |
Process Profiler 3D: Visualize Performance Profile | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | ProcessProfiler3D | Erik Poppe |
Process Profiler 3D: Visualize Replay | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | ProcessProfiler3D | Erik Poppe |
Process Profiler 3D: Visualize Replay | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | ProcessProfiler3D | Erik Poppe |
Process Profiler 3D: Visualize Replay | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | ProcessProfiler3D | Erik Poppe |
Process Profiler: Mining Resource Patterns from Event Log | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | ProcessProfiler3D | Erik Poppe |
Process Profiler: Mining Resource Patterns from Event Log | Plug-in variant | Process Profiler: Mining Resource Patterns from Event Log | ProcessProfiler3D | Jingxin Xu |
Process Tree Array | Export | Process Tree Array | ProcessTree | J.C.A.M. Buijs, B.F. van Dongen, D.M.M. Schunselaar, and H.M.W. Verbeek |
Process Tree Configuration Export | Export | Process Tree Configuration Export | ProcessTree | J.C.A.M. Buijs, B.F. van Dongen, D.M.M. Schunselaar, and H.M.W. Verbeek |
Process Tree Data Context Array | Export | Process Tree Data Context Array | Petra | Dennis Schunselaar |
Process Tree Data Context Export | Export | Process Tree Data Context Export | Petra | Dennis Schunselaar |
Process Tree Environment Context Array | Export | Process Tree Environment Context Array | Petra | Dennis Schunselaar |
Process Tree Environment Context Export | Export | Process Tree Environment Context Export | Petra | Dennis Schunselaar |
Process Tree Generator | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | Petra | D.M.M. Schunselaar |
Process Tree Generator | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | Petra | D.M.M. Schunselaar |
Process Tree Originator Context Array | Export | Process Tree Originator Context Array | Petra | Dennis Schunselaar |
Process Tree Originator Context Export | Export | Process Tree Originator Context Export | Petra | Dennis Schunselaar |
Process Tree Simulation Context Array | Export | Process Tree Simulation Context Array | Petra | Dennis Schunselaar |
Process Tree Simulation Context Export | Export | Process Tree Simulation Context Export | Petra | Dennis Schunselaar |
Process Tree to BPSim converter | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | BPSim | T.C. van der Hoek |
Process tree visualisation (Inductive visual Miner) | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | InductiveVisualMiner | S.J.J. Leemans |
Process tree visualisation (Inductive visual Miner) | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | InductiveVisualMiner | SJJ Leemans |
Process tree visualisation (Inductive visual Miner) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | InductiveVisualMiner | S.J.J. Leemans |
Process Variant Finder | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | VariantFinder | Alfredo Bolt |
ProcessTree2Protos export | Export | ProcessTree2Protos export | PTConversions | H.M.W. Verbeek |
ProcessTree2Protos export | Export | ProcessTree2Protos export | ProcessTree | J.C.A.M. Buijs, B.F. van Dongen, D.M.M. Schunselaar, and H.M.W. Verbeek |
Produce AproMore Model | AProMore | P. Napoli | ||
Produce AproMore Model 2 | AProMore | P. Napoli | ||
Produce AproMore Model 3 | AProMore | P. Napoli | ||
Produce Flexible Model for Validation | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | AProMore | test |
Produce Flexible Model for Validation | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | AProMore | test |
Project Alignment to Log | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | PNetReplayer | A. Adriansyah |
Project Alignment to Log | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | MixedParadigm | B.F. van Dongen |
Project All Alignments to Log | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | PNetReplayer | A. Adriansyah |
Project Data Compliance Attributes to Log | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | ComplianceFramework | Vladimir Gromov |
Project Data Compliance to Log | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | ComplianceFramework | Vladimir Gromov |
Project Log as DottedChart | Visualizer | Dotted Chart | LogProjection | B.F. van Dongen |
Project Log on DottedChart | Plug-in | Project Log on DottedChart | LogProjection | B.F. van Dongen |
Project Log on DottedChart | Plug-in variant | Project Log on DottedChart | LogProjection | B.F. van Dongen |
Project Manifest to Log | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | PNetReplayer | A. Adriansyah |
Project Manifest to Model for Conformance | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | PNetAlignmentAnalysis | B.F. van Dongen |
Project on CRUD Matrix | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | Security | X. Lu and M. Alizadeh |
Projected recall/precision model | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | ProjectedRecallAndPrecision | S.J.J. Leemans |
Projected recall/precision model | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | ProjectedRecallAndPrecision | S.J.J. Leemans |
Projected recall/precision model | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | ProjectedRecallAndPrecision | S.J.J. Leemans |
Projected recall/precision table | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | ProjectedRecallAndPrecision | S.J.J. Leemans |
Projected recall/precision table | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | ProjectedRecallAndPrecision | S.J.J. Leemans |
Projected recall/precision table | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | ProjectedRecallAndPrecision | S.J.J. Leemans |
Projected recall/precision table (extended) | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | ProjectedRecallAndPrecision | S.J.J. Leemans |
Projected recall/precision table (extended) | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | ProjectedRecallAndPrecision | S.J.J. Leemans |
Projected recall/precision table (extended) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | ProjectedRecallAndPrecision | S.J.J. Leemans |
Projection of the alignment onto Casual Nets | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | DataAwareReplayer | Massimiliano de Leoni, Felix Mannhardt |
ProM Orchestration | Cosimulation | M. Westergaard | ||
PTML export (Process tree) | Export | PTML export (Process tree) | ProcessTree | J.C.A.M. Buijs, B.F. van Dongen, D.M.M. Schunselaar, and H.M.W. Verbeek |
Quality Metrics | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | QualityMetrics | Daniel Braunnagel, Lukas Kovacovic, Christoph Rathgeber, Reinhold Tausch |
Quality Metrics | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | QualityMetrics | Daniel Braunnagel, Lukas Kovacovic, Christoph Rathgeber, Reinhold Tausch |
Quality Metrics 2 | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | QualityMetrics | D.M.M. Schunselaar, Daniel Braunnagel, Lukas Kovacovic, Christoph Rathgeber, Reinhold Tausch |
Quality Metrics 2 | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | QualityMetrics | D.M.M. Schunselaar, Daniel Braunnagel, Lukas Kovacovic, Christoph Rathgeber, Reinhold Tausch |
QualityMetricsResultVisualiser | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | QualityMetrics | Daniel Braunnagel, Christoph Rathgeber, Lukas Kovacovic, and Reinhold Tausch |
Re-rank Local Process Model ranking for Diversification | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LocalProcessModelDiscovery | N. Tax |
Re-sort by length of trace (Longest First | In Place) | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Re-sort by length of trace (Longest First | In Place) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Re-sort by length of trace (Shortest First | In Place) | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Re-sort by length of trace (Shortest First | In Place) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Realizable Places | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | AlphaMiner | L.M.A. Tonnaer |
Reduce Accpeting Petri net language-equivalently (in-place) | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | InductiveMinerDeprecated | S.J.J. Leemans |
Reduce Accpeting Petri net language-equivalently (in-place) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | InductiveMinerDeprecated | S.J.J. Leemans |
Reduce All Transitions | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | Murata | H.M.W Verbeek |
Reduce All Transitions | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | Murata | H.M.W Verbeek |
Reduce All Transitions, Retain Sink/Source Places | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | Murata | H.M.W Verbeek |
Reduce All Transitions, Retain Sink/Source Places | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | Murata | H.M.W Verbeek |
Reduce and synthesisze petrinet with alignment and predictor view 22 | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | InteractiveProcessMining | P.M. Dixit |
Reduce and synthesisze petrinet with alignment and predictor view 221 | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | InteractiveProcessMining | P.M. Dixit |
Reduce collapsed process tree language-equivalently | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | InductiveMinerDeprecated | S.J.J. Leemans |
Reduce collapsed process tree language-equivalently | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | InductiveMinerDeprecated | S.J.J. Leemans |
Reduce efficient tree language-equivalently for size | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | InductiveMiner | S.J.J. Leemans |
Reduce efficient tree language-equivalently for size | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | InductiveMiner | S.J.J. Leemans |
Reduce petrinet 18 | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | InteractiveProcessMining | P.M. Dixit |
Reduce process tree language-equivalently | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | InductiveMinerDeprecated | S.J.J. Leemans |
Reduce process tree language-equivalently | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | InductiveMinerDeprecated | S.J.J. Leemans |
Reduce Silent Transitions | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | Murata | H.M.W Verbeek |
Reduce Silent Transitions, Preserve Behavior | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | Murata | H.M.W Verbeek |
Reduce Silent Transitions, Preserve Behavior | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | Murata | H.M.W Verbeek |
Reduce Silent Transitions, Preserve Soundness | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | Murata | H.M.W Verbeek |
Reduce Silent Transitions, Preserve Soundness | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | Murata | H.M.W Verbeek |
Reduce Using Murata Rules | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | AcceptingPetriNetClassicalReductor | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Region Visualizer | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | TSPetrinet | B.F. van Dongen |
Relabel choice petri nets | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | InteractiveProcessMining | P.M. Dixit |
Remove Activities that never have Utility | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LocalProcessModelDiscovery | N. Tax |
Remove all ‘non-standard’ attributes (In Place) | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Remove all ‘non-standard’ attributes (In Place) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Remove all attributes with value “” (empty) (In Place) | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Remove all attributes with value “” (empty) (In Place) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Remove all attributes with value ‘NOT_SET’ | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Remove all attributes with value ‘NOT_SET’ | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Remove all attributes with value ‘NULL’ | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Remove all attributes with value ‘NULL’ | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Remove Duplicate Attribute Values | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Remove Duplicate Attribute Values | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Remove Duplicate Attribute Values (In-place) | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Remove Duplicate Attribute Values (In-place) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Remove events from log traces | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | M. de Leoni |
Remove events from log traces | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | M. de Leoni |
Remove events without timestamps | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | ContextAwarePerformance | B.F.A. Hompes |
Remove Fragment in Process Tree | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | ChangePatterns | Alfredo Bolt |
Remove Loop End-places from Petri net (in-place) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | ActivityFiltering | N. Tax |
Remove random number of events (In Place) | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Remove random number of events (In Place) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Remove Start and End Transitions | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | AcceptingPetriNet | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Remove stochastic information from Petri net | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | StochasticPetriNets | A. Rogge-Solti |
Remove stochastic information from Petri net | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | StochasticPetriNets | A. Rogge-Solti |
Remove Structural Redundant Places from Accepting Petri Net | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | AcceptingPetriNetRedundantPlacesReductor | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Remove Structural Redundant Places from Petri Net | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | Murata | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Remove Unconnected Nodes | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | PetriNets | S.J. van Zelst |
Removes all classifiers from the log | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Removes all classifiers from the log | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Removes all global attribute definitions from the log | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Removes all global attribute definitions from the log | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Rename duplicates with ids | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | InteractiveProcessMining | P.M. Dixit |
Rename net | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | InteractiveProcessMining | P.M. Dixit |
Rename/Merge Events | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | SimpleLogOperations | Jan Claes |
Rename/Merge Events | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | SimpleLogOperations | Jan Claes |
Reorder traces in event log | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | ContextAwarePerformance | B.F.A. Hompes |
Repair Attributes Names for Data Discovery | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | DataDiscovery | F. Mannhardt |
Repair Attributes Names for Data Discovery | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | DataDiscovery | F. Mannhardt |
Repair Log With Respect to Alignment | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | DataAwareReplayer | M. de Leoni |
Repair Log With Respect to Alignment | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | DataAwareReplayer | M. de Leoni |
Repair Log: Globals, Classifiers, Extensions | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | Log | F. Mannhardt |
Repair Log: Globals, Classifiers, Extensions | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | Log | F. Mannhardt |
Repair Log: Globals, Classifiers, Extensions (In Place) | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | Log | F. Mannhardt |
Repair Log: Globals, Classifiers, Extensions (In Place) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | Log | F. Mannhardt |
Repair Model | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | ModelRepair | D. Fahland |
Repair Model (find loops) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | ModelRepair | D. Fahland |
Repair Model (find subprocesses) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | ModelRepair | D. Fahland |
Repair Model (remove unused parts) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | ModelRepair | D. Fahland |
Repair Type of Event Attributes in the Log (Discrete, Continuous, Boolean, Date) | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Repair Type of Event Attributes in the Log (Discrete, Continuous, Boolean, Date) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Repair Type of Trace Attributes in the Log (Discrete, Continuous, Boolean, Date) | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Repair Type of Trace Attributes in the Log (Discrete, Continuous, Boolean, Date) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Replay a Case on CPF Model for Conformance Analysis | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | AProMore | HVNguyen |
Replay a Case on CPF Model for Conformance Analysis | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | AProMore | HVNguyen |
Replay a Case on Flexible model for Conformance Analysis | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | FlexReplayer | Arya Adriansyah |
Replay a Log on CNet for Conformance Analysis | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | CNetReplayer | Arya Adriansyah |
Replay a Log on CPF Model for Conformance Analysis | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | AProMore | hvnguyen |
Replay a Log on Flexible model for Conformance Analysis | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | FlexReplayer | Arya Adriansyah |
Replay a Log on Flexible model for Performance Analysis | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | FlexReplayer | Arya Adriansyah |
Replay a Log on Mixed Paradigm model for Conformance Analysis | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | MixedParadigm | B.F. van Dongen |
Replay a Log on Petri Net for All Optimal Alignments | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | PNetReplayer | Arya Adriansyah |
Replay a Log on Petri Net for Conformance Analysis | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | PNetReplayer | Arya Adriansyah |
Replay a Log on Petri Net for Performance/Conformance Analysis | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | PNetReplayer | Arya Adriansyah |
Replay a Log on YAWL Model for Performance Analysis | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | FlexReplayer | Arya Adriansyah |
Replay Event Logs | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LogAlignment | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Replay Log in Simple Precedence Diagram (SPD) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | Performance | A. Adriansyah and B.F. van Dongen |
Replay Log in YAWL net | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | YAWL | David Piessens |
Replay Log on Map | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LogOnMapReplay | Massimiliano de Leoni |
Replay using Decomposition | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | DecomposedReplayer | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Replay using Recomposition | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | DecomposedReplayer | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Report and Consume Tokens | Cosimulation | M. Westergaard | ||
Rescore Local Process Model ranking to Log | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LocalProcessModelDiscovery | N. Tax |
ResetInhibitor Net Semantics Provider | PetriNets | H.M.W. Verbeek, S.J. van Zelst | ||
ResetNet Semantics Provider | PetriNets | H.M.W. Verbeek, S.J. van Zelst | ||
Resort Log Based on Time | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | Log | B.F. van Dongen |
Resort Log Based on Time | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | Log | B.F. van Dongen |
Resort Log Based on Time, preserve ordering | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | PNetAlignmentAnalysis | Arya Adriansyah |
Resort Log Based on Time, preserve ordering | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | PNetAlignmentAnalysis | Arya Adriansyah |
Resource Queue Behaviour | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | ResourceQueueBehaviour | Suriadi |
Reuse Alignments | Plug-in | Reuse Alignments | EvolutionaryTreeMiner | B. Vazquez-Barreiros |
Reuse Alignments | Plug-in variant | Reuse Alignments | EvolutionaryTreeMiner | B. Vazquez-Barreiros |
Reuse Alignments With Log | Plug-in | Reuse Alignments With log | EvolutionaryTreeMiner | B. Vazquez-Barreiros |
Reuse Alignments With Log | Plug-in variant | Reuse Alignments With log | EvolutionaryTreeMiner | B. Vazquez-Barreiros |
Reverse Log | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | Log | T. van der Wiel |
Reverse Trace Attributes into Events | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | DeclareAnalyzer | A. Burattin, F.M. Maggi |
Reverse Trace Attributes into Events | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | DeclareAnalyzer | A. Burattin, F.M. Maggi |
Rich Event Log Generator | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | RichEventLogGenerator | Ping Du |
RRA export (Replay Result Array) | Export | RRA export (Replay Result Array) | LogAlignment | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Rule Based Merger | Plug-in | Merge two Event Logs using a rule based algorithm | LogMerge | Jan Claes |
Rule Based Merger | Plug-in variant | Merge two Event Logs using a rule based algorithm | LogMerge | Jan Claes |
Run CloGSgrow | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LocalProcessModelConformance | N. Tax |
Run Efficient LPM Mining Experiments (Events) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LocalProcessModelDiscovery | N. Tax |
Run Efficient LPM Mining Experiments (Time) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LocalProcessModelDiscovery | N. Tax |
Run experiments with Constraints and Projections | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LocalProcessModelDiscovery | N. Tax |
Score Petri Net Fragment on Log using Alignments | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LocalProcessModelDiscovery | N. Tax |
Score Petri Net Fragment on Log using Alignments (constraints) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LocalProcessModelDiscovery | N. Tax |
Score Petri Net Fragment with Utility on Log using Alignments | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LocalProcessModelDiscovery | N. Tax |
Search for High Utility Local Process Models | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LocalProcessModelDiscovery | N. Tax |
Search for Local Process Models | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LocalProcessModelDiscovery | N. Tax |
Search for Maximal Utility Local Process Models | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LocalProcessModelDiscovery | N. Tax |
Search for Utility-Closed Local Process Models | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LocalProcessModelDiscovery | N. Tax |
Search Local Process Models using Entropy | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LocalProcessModelDiscovery | N. Tax |
Search Local Process Models using Markov-based Projections | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LocalProcessModelDiscovery | N. Tax |
Search Local Process Models using MRIG | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LocalProcessModelDiscovery | N. Tax |
Select Best Fuzzy Instance | Plug-in variant | Select Best Fuzzy Instance | Fuzzy | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Select BPMN Diagram | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | BPMN | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Select Configurable Compliance Rule (experimental) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | Compliance | Dirk Fahland, Elham Ramezani |
Select Local Process Models Greedily | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LocalProcessModelConformance | N. Tax |
Select Local Process Models Greedily (Revisited) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LocalProcessModelConformance | N. Tax |
Sensor Interval Visualizer | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | StochasticPetriNets | Andreas Rogge-Solti |
Sequence Filter | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LogFiltering | Mohammadreza |
Sequential Frequency Deviations Miner | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | VideoLectureAnalysis | Alfredo Bolt |
Sequential Performance Miner (No deviations) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | VideoLectureAnalysis | Alfredo Bolt |
Sequential Performance Miner (With deviations) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | VideoLectureAnalysis | Alfredo Bolt |
Show All Package and All Plug-ins | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | EstablishedPackages | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Show Apache License, Version 2.0 | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | ApacheUtils | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Show CPL License | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | ProM5 | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Show Daikon License | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | Daikon | F. Mannhardt |
Show fragment extraction parameters | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | SubTrace | Nikolai Sitnikov (nikolai.sitnikov@…) |
Show GPL License, Version 2.0 | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | GPLv2Utils | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Show GraphStream License | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | GraphStream | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Show Instance Graph | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | Big4Prom | Laura Genga |
Show L-GPL License | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | BasicUtils | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Show Leemans Episode Model Rules | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | EpisodeMiner | M Leemans |
Show Log | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | Widgets | M. Westergaard and F. Mannhardt |
Show Package Overview | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | ProM-Plugins | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Show Petri-net Metrics | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | PNAnalysis | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Show PomPom View | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | PomPomView | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Show Scala License | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | Scala | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Show Sequences and Patterns | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | LogAbstractions | H.M.W. Verbeek, B.F. van Dongen, S.J. van Zelst, L.M.A. Tonnaer |
Show Visual Petrinet Model | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | VisualPetriNetAnalyzer | Joris Reijrink |
Signature Discovery | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | SignatureDiscovery | R.P. Jagadeesh Chandra ‘JC’ Bose |
Signature Discovery Visualization | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | SignatureDiscovery | J.C. Bose |
Simple causal graph | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | CNet | Felix Mannhardt, Arya Adriansyah |
Simple causal graph as table | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | CNet | Felix Mannhardt, Arya Adriansyah |
Simple Declare Designer | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | DeclareAnalyzer | A. Burattin, F.M. Maggi |
Simple Declare Designer | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | DeclareAnalyzer | A. Burattin, F.M. Maggi |
Simple Declare Editor | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | DeclareAnalyzer | A. Burattin, F.M. Maggi |
Simple Declare Editor | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | DeclareAnalyzer | A. Burattin, F.M. Maggi |
Simplify BPMN Model | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | BPMNMiner | Raffaele Conforti |
Simplify For Replay | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | Murata | H.M.W Verbeek |
Simplify For Replay | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | Murata | H.M.W Verbeek |
Simplify Mined Model Using Uma | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | Uma | D. Fahland |
Simulate CPN Model | Plug-in variant | Simulate CPN Model | CPNet | M. Westergaard |
Simulate Petrinet with noise | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | AntiAlignments | Boudewijn van Dongen |
Social Network (HoW) miner | Plug-in variant | Mine for a Handover-of-Work Social Network | SocialNetwork | M. Song |
Social Network (RA) miner | Plug-in variant | Mine for a Reassignment Social Network | SocialNetwork | M. Song |
Social Network (SC) miner | Plug-in variant | Mine for a Subcontracting Social Network | SocialNetwork | M. Song |
Social Network (ST) miner | Plug-in variant | Mine for a Similar-Task Social Network | SocialNetwork | M. Song |
Social Network (WT) miner | Plug-in variant | Mine for a Working-Together Social Network | SocialNetwork | M. Song |
Sort events in traces, based on time stamp (in place) | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | InductiveVisualMiner | S.J.J. Leemans |
Sort events in traces, based on time stamp (in place) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | InductiveVisualMiner | S.J.J. Leemans |
Split Accepting Petri Net | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | AcceptingPetriNetDecomposer | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Split Cheetah Log into Processes per Model (max 30) | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | PPM | Jan Claes |
Split Cheetah Log into Processes per Model (max 30) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | PPM | Jan Claes |
Split event classes from log (In Place) | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Split event classes from log (In Place) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Split Event Log | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LogDecomposer | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Split traces | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | Log | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Spurious Event Filter | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | StreamBasedEventFilter | Sebastiaan J. van Zelst |
Start and Accept State Searcher | TransitionSystems | H.M.W. Verbeek | ||
Start Event Log Filter | Log | H.M.W. Verbeek, F. Mannhardt, S.J. van Zelst | ||
Start Not Another Workflow Language System | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | OperationalSupport | M. Westergaard |
Start Operational Support Service 2.0 | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | OperationalSupport | M. Westergaard |
Start Process Tree Editor | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | ProcessTree | D.M.M. Schunselaar |
Start Process Tree Editor | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | ProcessTree | D.M.M. Schunselaar |
Start Process Tree Editor Beginner | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | ProcessTree | D.M.M. Schunselaar |
Start Process Tree Editor Beginner | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | ProcessTree | D.M.M. Schunselaar |
Start Retarded Squirrel Provider | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | OperationalSupport | M. Westergaard |
State Log Creator | Plug-in variant | State Log Creator | CSMMiner | Maikel L. van Eck |
Statechart Workbench | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | Statechart | M. Leemans |
Stochastic Net Semantics Provider | StochasticPetriNets | Andreas Rogge-Solti | ||
Stochastic Petri Net Visualizer | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | StochasticPetriNets | Andreas Rogge-Solti |
Store Event Stream as Event Log(s) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | StreamBasedEventLog | Sebastiaan J. van Zelst |
Store LPMs to Temp Folder | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LocalProcessModelDiscovery | N. Tax |
Stream Miner | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | StreamHeuristicsMiner | A. Burattin |
Stream Miner | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | StreamHeuristicsMiner | A. Burattin |
Stream Miner Visualizer | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | StreamHeuristicsMiner | A. Burattin |
Stream Miner Visualizer | Visualizer | Stream Miner Visualizer | StreamHeuristicsMiner | A. Burattin, S.J. van Zelst |
Stream Miner Visualizer | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | StreamHeuristicsMiner | A. Burattin |
String Visualizer | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | ProM-Contexts | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Swap events in log traces | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | M. de Leoni |
Swap events in log traces | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | M. de Leoni |
Swap Fragment in Process Tree | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | ChangePatterns | Alfredo Bolt |
Swimlane Discovery Plug-in | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | BPMNAnalysis | I. Bayraktar |
Switch Default XES Implementation (Default XFactory) | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | XESLite | F. Mannhardt |
Switch Default XES Implementation (Default XFactory) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | XESLite | F. Mannhardt |
Synchronous activity analysis | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | PNetAlignmentAnalysis | B.F. van Dongen |
Synthesize with layout information | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | InteractiveProcessMining | P.M. Dixit |
Table | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | ContextAwarePerformance | B.F.A. Hompes |
Temp plugin PMD | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | InteractiveProcessMining | P.M. Dixit |
Temporal Model Visualizer | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | StochasticPetriNets | Andreas Rogge-Solti |
TEST – List unique activities | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | TraceClustering | B.F.A. Hompes |
TEST – make procedure trace attribute | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | TraceClustering | B.F.A. Hompes |
TEST – split parts attribute | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | TraceClustering | B.F.A. Hompes |
TEST – Test trace clustering result | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | TraceClustering | B.F.A. Hompes |
Test CNetMiner | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | CNetReplayer | B.F. van Dongen |
Test difference between Indulpet and Inductive Miner | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | IndulpetMiner | S.J.J. Leemans, J.C.A.M. Buijs, N. Tax |
Test difference between Indulpet and Inductive Miner | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | IndulpetMiner | S.J.J. Leemans, J.C.A.M. Buijs, N. Tax |
Test driver – PLG Process Generator | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | ProcessLogGenerator | A. Burattin |
Test driver – PLG Process Generator | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | ProcessLogGenerator | A. Burattin |
Test Gap Based Extractor | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LocalProcessModelDiscovery | N. Tax |
ThreeDee Test | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | Visualisation3D | Erik Poppe |
ThreeDee Test | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | Visualisation3D | Erik Poppe |
Time Based Log Filter | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | LogTimeFilter | A. Burattin |
Time Based Log Filter | Visualizer | Time Based Log Filter | LogTimeFilter | Andrea Burattin |
Time Based Log Filter | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LogTimeFilter | A. Burattin |
Time Between Transition Analysis | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | PNetAlignmentAnalysis | B.F. van Dongen |
Time Between Transition Analysis | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | MixedParadigm | B.F. van Dongen |
Time Between Transition Class Analysis | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | PNetAlignmentAnalysis | B.F. van Dongen |
Trace Alignment | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | TraceAlignment | R.P. Jagadeesh Chandra ‘JC’ Bose |
Trace Alignment (with Guide Tree) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | TraceAlignmentWithGuideTree | R.P. Jagadeesh Chandra ‘JC’ Bose |
Trace Alignment Frame Visualization | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | TraceAlignment | J.C. Bose |
Trace Alignment of Alignments | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | PNetAlignmentAnalysis | B.F. van Dongen |
Trace Alignment of Manifests | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | PNetAlignmentAnalysis | B.F. van Dongen |
Trace Discovery Expriment | Plug-in variant | Use Variant Name | TraceMatching | X. Lu |
Trace Happiness | Visualizer | Trace Happiness Visualizer | Log | H.M.W. Verbeek, F. Mannhardt, S.J. van Zelst |
Transform ‘value’ attributes based on event class (In place) | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Transform ‘value’ attributes based on event class (In place) | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LogEnhancement | F. Mannhardt |
Transform Alignment-scored Accepting Petri net Array into Accepting Petri net Array | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LocalProcessModelDiscovery | N. Tax |
Transition System to Petrinet | Plug-in variant | Convert to Petri Net using Regions | TSPetrinet | B.F. van Dongen |
TSML export (Transition system) | Export | TSML export (Transition system) | TransitionSystems | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Uncertainty Marker | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | UncertaintyMarker | Oliver Meier |
Undouble Accepting Petri net | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | AcceptingPetriNet | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Unify Events in Log | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | Uma | D. Fahland |
Unpack Accepting Petri net | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | AcceptingPetriNet | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Unpack Accepting Petri net Array | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LocalProcessModelDiscovery | N. Tax |
Unpack Log Collection | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | PTAndLogGenerator | Toon Jouck |
Unpack Process Tree Array | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | PTAndLogGenerator | Toon Jouck |
Unroll Loops Filter | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | StochasticPetriNets | A. Rogge-Solti |
Unroll Loops Filter | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | StochasticPetriNets | A. Rogge-Solti |
Update log event unifier mapping | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | Uma | D. Fahland |
Validate Clusters | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | AcceptingPetriNetDecomposer | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Variant Filter | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LogFiltering | Mohammadreza |
Verify final marking is reached by all alignments | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | PNetAlignmentAnalysis | Arya Adriansyah |
View CSV | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | Log | H.M.W. Verbeek, F. Mannhardt, S.J. van Zelst |
View ProcessTree as Statechart – States | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | Statechart | M. Leemans |
View Projection to Log | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | CNetReplayer | Arya Adriansyah |
View Statechart | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | Statechart | M. Leemans |
View Statechart – States | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | Statechart | M. Leemans |
Vis | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | TraceMatching | |
Vis | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | TraceMatching | Xixi Lu |
Vis | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | TraceMatching | |
Visual Petrinet Analyzer | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | VisualPetriNetAnalyzer | J. Reijrink |
Visualise deviations on process tree | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | InductiveVisualMiner | S.J.J. Leemans |
Visualise deviations on process tree | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | InductiveVisualMiner | S.J.J. Leemans |
Visualise EPC Array | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | QualityMetrics | Daniel Braunnagel, Christoph Rathgeber, Lukas Kovacovic, and Reinhold Tausch |
Visualise Log Comparison | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | DataAwareReplayer | Massimiliano de Leoni, Felix Mannhardt |
Visualise Monotonicity | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | Petra | Dennis Schunselaar |
Visualise Pareto Front | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | Petra | Dennis Schunselaar |
Visualise Pareto Front with Monotonicity | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | Petra | Dennis Schunselaar |
Visualise Process Tree Array As Trees | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | ProcessTree | J.C.A.M. Buijs, B.F. van Dongen, D.M.M. Schunselaar, and H.M.W. Verbeek |
Visualise Process Tree Array BPMN | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | ProcessTree | J.C.A.M. Buijs, B.F. van Dongen, D.M.M. Schunselaar, and H.M.W. Verbeek |
Visualise Process Tree Data Context Array | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | Petra | Dennis Schunselaar |
Visualise Process Tree Environment Context Array | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | Petra | Dennis Schunselaar |
Visualise Process Tree Originator Context Array | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | Petra | Dennis Schunselaar |
Visualise Process Tree Simulation Context Array | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | Petra | Dennis Schunselaar |
Visualization BPH | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | BusinessProcessHierarchy | K. Pennekamp |
Visualization BPH | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | BusinessProcessHierarchy | K. Pennekamp |
Visualization BPH | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | BusinessProcessHierarchy | K. Pennekamp |
Visualization of Map Data | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | LogOnMapReplay | Massimiliano de Leoni |
Visualize a Hybrid Process Model | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | HybridModel | L. Cheng |
Visualize a number | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | TraceClustering | B.F.A. Hompes |
Visualize Accepting Petri Net (Dot) | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | GraphVisualizers | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Visualize Accepting Petri Net Compactly using Block Layout | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | AcceptingPetriNetReductionLayouter | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Visualize Accepting Petri Net using Block Layout | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | AcceptingPetriNetReductionLayouter | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Visualize Activity Cluster Array (Dot) | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | GraphVisualizers | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Visualize Aggregated Activities Performance Diagram (AAPD) | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | Performance | A. Adriansyah |
Visualize AlignmentMap | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | PartialOrderReplayer | X. Lu |
Visualize Analysis of Flexible model | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | FlexReplayer | Arya Adriansyah |
Visualize and control running ETM Pareto | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | EvolutionaryTreeMiner | Joos Buijs |
Visualize As Process Trees | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | PTAndLogGenerator | Toon Jouck |
Visualize BPMN | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | BPMN | H.M.W. Verbeek, F. Mannhardt, S.J. van Zelst |
Visualize BPMN Metrics | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | BPMNMeasures | R. Guanciale {guancio@…}, G. Spagnolo {spagnolo@…} et al. |
Visualize BPMN to PN | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | BPMNMeasures | R. Guanciale {guancio@…}, G. Spagnolo {spagnolo@…} et al. |
Visualize Case Replay Result (with Instance Exploration Graph) | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | FlexReplayer | Arya Adriansyah |
Visualize Causal Activity Graph (Dot) | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | GraphVisualizers | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Visualize Causal Graph | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | HybridMiner | Riccardo De Masellis and Chiara Di Francescomarino |
Visualize Causal Net (CNet) | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | CNet | Felix Mannhardt, Arya Adriansyah |
Visualize Causal Net with Annotations | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | HeuristicsCNetMiner | Maikel van Eck |
Visualize Coloured Petri net | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | CPNet | M. Westergaard, S.J. van Zelst |
Visualize Comparator Panel | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | ProcessComparator | Alfredo Bolt |
Visualize Configuration Guide | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | Compliance | Dirk Fahland, Elham Ramezani |
Visualize Data-aware Causal Net | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | CNet | Felix Mannhardt, Arya Adriansyah |
Visualize Dot Panel | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | ProcessComparator | Alfredo Bolt |
Visualize DottedChart | Visualizer | Dotted Chart | LogProjection | B.F. van Dongen |
Visualize Equivalent BPMN | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | PTAndLogGenerator | Toon Jouck |
Visualize Escaping Arcs Precision Result | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | Precision | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Visualize Event Log Array | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | LogDialog | H.M.W. Verbeek, M. de Leoni, S.J. van Zelst |
Visualize Evolutionary Trace Clustering | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | TraceClustering | B.F.A. Hompes |
Visualize Fitness Collection | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | VideoLectureAnalysis | Alfredo Bolt |
Visualize Flexible model | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | Flex | A. Adriansyah |
Visualize Flexible model Log Replay Result | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | FlexReplayer | Arya Adriansyah |
Visualize Fuzzy Instance (Dot) | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | GraphVisualizers | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Visualize Fuzzy Performance Diagram (FPD) | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | Performance | A. Adriansyah |
Visualize General Model | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | AProMore | P. Napoli |
Visualize Global Settings Data | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | Performance | A. Adriansyah |
Visualize HeuristicsNet with Annotations | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | HeuristicsMiner | J. Ribeiro |
Visualize HeuristicsNet with Semantics Split/Joing Points | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | HeuristicsMiner | J. Ribeiro |
Visualize HTML text | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | ProM-Contexts | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Visualize Hybrid Petrinet | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | HybridMiner | Riccardo De Masellis and Chiara Di Francescomarino |
Visualize HybridModel | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | Hybrid | D.M.M. Schunselaar |
Visualize Inhibitor Net (Dot) | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | GraphVisualizers | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Visualize Local Process Model (Dot) | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | LocalProcessModelDiscovery | Niek Tax |
Visualize Log Collection | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | PTAndLogGenerator | Toon Jouck |
Visualize Log with Auto-association Plot | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | AutoAssociationPlot | N. Tax |
Visualize map | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | LogOnMapReplay | Massimiliano de Leoni |
Visualize Newick Tree As String | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | PTAndLogGenerator | Toon Jouck |
Visualize Number of Unique Traces | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | PTAndLogGenerator | Toon Jouck |
Visualize P-Alignments as Graphs | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | PartialOrderReplayer | X. Lu |
Visualize P-Traces as Graphs | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | PartialOrderReplayer | X. Lu |
Visualize PAlignments Projected on Model | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | PartialOrderReplayer | X. Lu |
Visualize Pareto Front of Process Trees | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | EvolutionaryTreeMiner | Joos Buijs |
Visualize Petri Net (Dot) | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | GraphVisualizers | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Visualize Petri Net (Dot) [local] | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | GraphVisualizers | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Visualize Petri Net Compactly using Block Layout | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | AcceptingPetriNetReductionLayouter | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Visualize Petri Net using Block Layout | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | AcceptingPetriNetReductionLayouter | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Visualize PetrinetWithMarking | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | BPMNMiner | Raffaele Conforti |
Visualize problem insight | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | ComplianceFramework | Vladimir Gromov |
Visualize Process Tree | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | EvolutionaryTreeMiner | Joos Buijs |
Visualize Process tree as BPMN | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | ProcessTree | J.C.A.M. Buijs, B.F. van Dongen, D.M.M. Schunselaar, and H.M.W. Verbeek |
Visualize Process tree as Tree | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | ProcessTree | J.C.A.M. Buijs, B.F. van Dongen, D.M.M. Schunselaar, and H.M.W. Verbeek |
Visualize Process tree as Tree With Properties | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | ProcessTree | J.C.A.M. Buijs, B.F. van Dongen, D.M.M. Schunselaar, and H.M.W. Verbeek |
Visualize Process Tree Data Context | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | Petra | Dennis Schunselaar |
Visualize Process Tree Environment Context | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | Petra | Dennis Schunselaar |
Visualize Process Tree Originator Context | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | Petra | Dennis Schunselaar |
Visualize Process Tree Simulation Context | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | Petra | Dennis Schunselaar |
Visualize Process tree with Fitness | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | ProcessTree | J.C.A.M. Buijs, B.F. van Dongen, D.M.M. Schunselaar, and H.M.W. Verbeek |
Visualize Process Variant Finder Panel | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | VariantFinder | Alfredo Bolt |
Visualize REGs | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | TraceMatching | Xixi Lu |
Visualize Simple Precedence Diagram (SPD) | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | Performance | A. Adriansyah |
Visualize Social Network | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | SocialNetwork | A. Syamsiyah, B.F. van Dongen, M.S. Song, S.J. van Zelst |
Visualize Trace Clustering | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | TraceClustering | B.F.A. Hompes |
Visualize Transition System (Dot) | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | GraphVisualizers | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Visualize YAWL net replay result | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | YAWL | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Visualize YAWL Specification | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | PTConversions | H.M.W. Verbeek |
Visualize YAWL Specification | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | ProcessTree | J.C.A.M. Buijs, B.F. van Dongen, D.M.M. Schunselaar, and H.M.W. Verbeek |
Visualize2 Petri Net using Block Layout | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | InteractiveProcessMining | Alok Dixit |
VisualizeDot Panel | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | VideoLectureAnalysis | Alfredo Bolt |
Visualizer BPMN Measure | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | BPMNMeasures | R. Guanciale {guancio@…}, G. Spagnolo {spagnolo@…} et al. |
Visualizer BPMN Measure | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | BPMNMeasures | R.Guanciale,G.Spagnolo et al. |
Week Abstraction Log Editor | Log | H.M.W. Verbeek, F. Mannhardt, S.J. van Zelst | ||
Workspace | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | AProMore | P. Napoli |
Write SimpleLog using Editor | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | SLog | J.Munoz-Gama |
Write SimpleResourceLog using Editor | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | SLog | J.Munoz-Gama |
Write TRLog using Editor | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | SLog | J.Munoz-Gama |
xFrequent Movement Sets Mining for Deviation Analysis | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | PNetAlignmentAnalysis | B.F. van Dongen |
XLog Overview | Visualizer | XLog Overview | InteractiveVisualization | Danny van Heumen |
XOC Log Convertor | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | OCBC | Guangming Li |
XOC Log Convertor | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | OCBC | Guangming Li |
XOC Log Duplicator | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | OCBC | Guangming Li |
XOC Log Duplicator | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | OCBC | Guangming Li |
XOC Log Generator | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | OCBC | Guangming Li |
XOC Log Generator | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | OCBC | Guangming Li |
XOC Log Upgrade Plugin | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | OCBC | Guangming Li |
XOC Log Upgrade Plugin | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | OCBC | Guangming Li |
XOCLog Convertor Visualization | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | OCBC | Guanming Li |
XOCLog Generator Visualization | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | OCBC | Guanming Li |
XOCLog Inspector | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | OCBC | Guangming Li |
XOCLog Inspector | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | OCBC | Guangming Li |
XOCLog Inspector | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | OCBC | Guanming Li |
XOCLog Upgrade Plugin Visualization | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | OCBC | Guanming Li |
XPath executor | Visualizer | XPath executor | Log | H.M.W. Verbeek, F. Mannhardt, S.J. van Zelst |
XPDL 2.2 export | Export | XPDL 2.2 export | BPMN | H.M.W. Verbeek, F. Mannhardt, S.J. van Zelst |
XPDL export Bussines Notation with Artifact | Export | XPDL export Bussines Notation with Artifact | BPMNMeasures | R. Guanciale {guancio@…}, G. Spagnolo {spagnolo@…} et al. |
XSAuthor Visualizer | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | Stream | A. Burattin, S.J. van Zelst |
XSAuthor Visualizer | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | Stream | S.J. van Zelst |
XSReader Visualizer | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | Stream | A. Burattin, S.J. van Zelst |
XSReader Visualizer | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | Stream | S.J. van Zelst |
XSStream Visualizer | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | Stream | A. Burattin, S.J. van Zelst |
XSStream Visualizer | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | Stream | S.J. van Zelst |
XSStreamAnalyzer Visualizer | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | StreamAnalysis | S.J. van Zelst |
XSStreamAnalyzer Visualizer | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | StreamAnalysis | S.J. van Zelst |
YAWL CMap Export | Export | YAWL CMap Export | PTConversions | H.M.W. Verbeek |
YAWL CMap Export | Export | YAWL CMap Export | ProcessTree | J.C.A.M. Buijs, B.F. van Dongen, D.M.M. Schunselaar, and H.M.W. Verbeek |
YAWL Domain Configuration Export | Export | YAWL Domain Configuration Export | PTConversions | H.M.W. Verbeek |
YAWL Domain Configuration Export | Export | YAWL Domain Configuration Export | ProcessTree | J.C.A.M. Buijs, B.F. van Dongen, D.M.M. Schunselaar, and H.M.W. Verbeek |
YAWL export | Export | YAWL export | YAWL | H.M.W. Verbeek |
YAWL Org Data Export | Export | YAWL Org Data Export | PTConversions | H.M.W. Verbeek |
YAWL Org Data Export | Export | YAWL Org Data Export | ProcessTree | J.C.A.M. Buijs, B.F. van Dongen, D.M.M. Schunselaar, and H.M.W. Verbeek |
YAWL specification | Import | YAWL specification | FlexReplayer | Arya Adriansyah |
YAWL Specification Export | Export | YAWL Specification Export | PTConversions | H.M.W. Verbeek |
YAWL Specification Export | Export | YAWL Specification Export | ProcessTree | J.C.A.M. Buijs, B.F. van Dongen, D.M.M. Schunselaar, and H.M.W. Verbeek |
YAWL to EPC converter | Plug-in | Use Plugin Name | QualityMetrics | D.M.M. Schunselaar |
YAWL to EPC converter | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | QualityMetrics | D.M.M. Schunselaar |
Your plug-in name | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | StreamBasedEventStorage | Your name |
Your plug-in name | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | StreamAbstractRepresentation | Your name |
Your plug-in name | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | SequencePredictionWithPetriNets | Your name |
Your plug-in name | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | PMinD | Your name |
Your plug-in name | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | BPSim | Your name |
Your plug-in name | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | MobuconLDL | Your name |
Your plug-in name | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | MIMiner | Your name |
Your plug-in name | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | MaxSyncAlignments | Your name |
Your plug-in name | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | MaterialHandlingSystems | Your name |
Your plug-in name | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LocalProcessModelDiscoveryWithSubdueConstraints | Your name |
Your plug-in name | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | LabelRefinements | Your name |
Your plug-in name | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | GeneticMinerUsingPartialKnowledge | Your name |
Your plug-in name | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | FusionMinerFul | Your name |
Your plug-in name | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | ExpertTraceClustering | Your name |
Your plug-in name | Plug-in variant | Use Plugin Name | AbstractEventsSupervised | Your name |
z – Show Leemans Episode Model in Debug visualization | Visualizer | Use Plugin Name | EpisodeMiner | M Leemans |