ProM Lite 1.1 release

The current Release Candidate corresponds to Revision 28643 (core components). Some packages may have different Revisions.


May 31, 2016, Revision 28643

  • Updated bat and sh files.

May 27, 2016, Revision 28466

  • Updated UITopia, as the last used visualizer was not used.

May 20, 2016, Revision 28414

  • Fixed big 55: Making the ProM window too low (i.e. drag the bottom border all the way up) throws an exception.
  • Fixed possible deadlock problem in GUI when selecting the Import button rapidly twice (or more).
  • Cancellation of a plug-in is now propagated to the plug-ins called by this plug-in through the framework.

May 4, 2016, Revision 28149

  • Partially fixed bug 16: Petri net replayer throws an exception because it cannot find any replay algorithms. Caused by: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 0 at org.processmining.plugins.petrinet.replayer.ui.PNAlgorithmStep.<init>(
  • Fixed bug 18: GUI throws throws an exception because it cannot find the reosurce type for a GraphLayoutConnection (if selecting the “All” tab in the GUI). Exception in thread “AWT-EventQueue-0” java.lang.NullPointerException at org.deckfour.uitopia.ui.workspace.ResourceListCellRenderer.paintComponent(
  • Restored the icons for logs and Petri nets.

May 3, 2016, Revision 28138

  • Necessary updates in the (new) ProM cache.

April 29, 2016, Revision 27954

  • The current version of UITopia has been included (was not included in earlier downloads :-().

First steps

Please see the First steps section of ​the ProM 6 installation page.