One of the first things you do when you have a new event log file, is explore it. Get to know it. How much data is there (how many months, cases, events)? What activities are included? Which additional attributes exist? Are there clear starting and ending activities? These are questions that can be answered by using the log dialog.
Questions such as ‘How is the distribution of events over time?’ or ‘Is the arrival rate constant over time?’ can be answered by the dotted chart. Also more complicated questions regarding trace duration, and which days of the week events are executed can be answered using the dotted chart.
The goal of this discussion is to together explore the event log Road_Traffic_Fine_Management_Process.xes.gz. What do you find? What does this mean?
- All the event logs can be downloaded from here.
- Please note that the ‘inspector’ tab of the log dialog might take a long long time to load, so don’t try this without saving your work first.