ProM Data Objects (1) live in the ProM workspace (2)
The Workspace
The workspace has views (5) for
- all objects,
- the favorite objects (marked with a start), and
- imported objects.
You can import new objects from files
- via the import button (6) or
- via drag&drop.
If you select an object in the workspace, you can
- (7) add it to the favorites in the worksace (star button)
- (7) view it which will open a Visualizers (view button)
- (7) run a Plugin on it (run button)
- (7) delete it
- (8) rename it
- (9) export it to a file
ProM Object Types
Event Logs
- Event Log in XES Format
- CSV-event table, convert to XES format using the Convert CSV to XES plugin
Process Models
ProM provides several types of process models.
Petri Net
- Petri Net
- Initial Marking object defines the initial marking of a Petri net, needed for behavioral analysis and conformance checking
- Final Marking object defines the initial marking of a Petri net, needed for conformance checking
BPMN Diagram
Repeatable Analysis
- Event Filter
- Analysis Notebook