ProM Plugin: Filter Event Log

provided by Filterd

Use Cases

Filter an Event Log by creating or using an existing stack of Simple Event Filters.

Filter event log (Create new filter)

  1. select your Event Log
  2. run the Filter Event Log plug-in
  3. launches the Event Filter on Event Log Visualizer where you can create a new Filter Stack of Simple Event Filters, export the filtered log and also export the filter stack

Filter event log using existing event filter

  1. select your Event Log and an existing Event Filter object
  2. run the Filter Event Log plug-in
  3. launches the Event Filter on Event Log Visualizer with the given filter stack pre-loaded; loading the notebook can take a while depending on the size of the event log and the notebook.
  4. edit the filter stack and re-export


The Event Filter is created, edited, and executed interactively through the Event Filter on Event Log visualization.