On September 28, 2012, there has been a workshop on Programming with/in ProM in Hasselt, Belgium. The files used for this workshop are available here.
The workshop started with a short introduction on ProM, followed by a hands-on session during which the participants had to program a mining plug-in, an import plug-in, an export plug-in, a conversion plug-in, and a visualizer plug-in. Spoiler files are available, which are part of the entire Workshop package. Furthermore, the event log used is also available. Third, an overview was given on advanced use of replay plug-ins around alignments. Fourth, the log and Petri net models were discussed, together with some notes on connections. The workshop ended with a Q&A session.
The entire workshop has been recorded into 5 parts, which are available on-line. Part 1 contains the introduction and the first part of the hands-on session. Part 2 contains the second part of the hands-on session, while Part 3 contains the third and last part. Part 4 contains the advanced issues with regard to the replay plug-ins, and Part 5 contains an overview of the event logs, the Petri nets, and the connections as they are implemented in ProM 6.
- Short introduction on ProM
- Hands-on session
- Advanced use of replay plug-ins around alignments
- Discussion on the log and Petri net models