Welcome to Week 4, which has a different set-up compared to the other weeks. By now you know how to operate ProM, how to load and explore an event log, and how to discover a process model. This week you will apply what you have learned to analyse a real-life event log.
The event log that we use during this week is the ‘Road_Traffic_Fine_Management_Process.xes.gz’ in the provided event log zip file. This event log contains events related to handling road fines by an Italian police department.
During this final week we will first together discover the contents of the event log, using the log dialog and dotted chart, for instance. You will try to find one or more ways to filter the event log, to prepare it for the main step of this week: discovering a process model.
Using one of the filtering approaches suggested in the discussion, you are asked to discover a process model and analyze its conformance on the (filtered) data.
Ask yourself what we can do with these process models. In Week 3 we have learned that we can project performance information on the process models. What information does this provide us?